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英语短文(作文)假设昨天你父亲为你讲了个故事,请用过去式把这个故事转述出来 80词左右一到两篇左右

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 19:58:57
Yesterday my father told me a story about a brave and upright little boy named Tom.One day when Tom was on his way home,he suddenly heared the crying from the river,"Help!" From the voice,Tom found a little girl was drowning in the river,struggling for help.Without hesitation,Tom rushed to the river side and jumped into the river,pulling her out of the water.The little girl was saved and Tom was highly praised by his family and friends.
Yesterday my mother told a story about Madame Curie.She is a very famous scientist who discovered element Ray.When Mary Curie was only a little girl,she paid great attention on reading books.Although her sisters were playing games besides,she still kept reading interesting books.Therefore,she mastered a lot of knowledge and finally became a giant in the circle of physics.After about five years' hard work,she won the Nobel Prize for Science.
英语短文(作文)假设昨天你父亲为你讲了个故事,请用过去式把这个故事转述出来 80词左右一到两篇左右 昨天是母亲节,你为妈妈做了一道水果沙拉.用英语写一篇短文,叙述你制作水果沙拉的过程.词汇在60个左右 (英语作文):假设今天是星期六,你去了海边.请写一篇50词左右的日记... 帮我写下英语作文.假设你上周六参加了朋友Gina的生日聚会,请用英语写一篇70个单词左右的短文.叙述有关情况.要求包括下 你(Jack)要给王老师写一个请假条.你昨天…… 请写一篇英语短文(80词左右) 书面作文:假设一场暴风雪袭击了你所在的城市,请根据要点提示并发挥想象,写一篇80词左右的短文.(已 假设你是李明,五一期间你去北京旅游,在游览长城后你写了一篇日记,请根据提示写一篇词左右的英语短文 假设你的英语老师给你的印象特别深刻.请你用英语写一篇50个词左右的短文. 英语作文(七年级下)假设上星期六你参加了同学Anna的生日聚会,用英语写一篇70次左右的短文. [英语小作文]假设你是一名宇航员,去年你被指派去火星进行探索.请根据以下提示写一篇70词左右的短文. 英语作文你是如何过春节的?请用英语写一篇80词左右的短文 英语作文根据提示,写一篇80词左右的请假条.假设你是王宁,昨天吃了过期的食品,肚子很痛,看了医生.医生说你应该待在家里,