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英语翻译翻译要包含括号里的短语.员工指控委员会的某些委员接受了一个私企老板的贿赂 (accuse of)要是你真正下点功

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 19:02:02
员工指控委员会的某些委员接受了一个私企老板的贿赂 (accuse of)
要是你真正下点功夫,就一定能解决这个问题(work at)
约翰答应做到不浪费任何东西(see that)
有时董事长和总经理由一个人担任,因此人们常常搞混(confused with)
他买了好几套房子,指望有朝一日从房价上升中获利(with an eye to)
1.The employees accused some members of the committee of having taken bribes from a private enterprise boss .
2.You can surly to solve the problem only if you put your heart into it.
3.Correct choice of investment brings sound interest.
4.Hohn have promised to see that nothing would be wasted.
5.It seems that banks nowadays more accommodate customers to their demands compared with past.
6.With the help of commodity labels,we can identify our own products from a hundred similar ones.
7.Sometimes one person acts as the chairman and the general manager of a campany,so people often get confused with one the other.
8.He has bought some apartments ,with an eye to a gaining from price rises some day.