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The dog bit him on his leg when he passed by.his 为何改the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 08:02:21
The dog bit him on his leg when he passed by.his 为何改the
主语谓语somebody 介词the身体部位
误:John hit his face .正:John hit him in the face
解析:在这一句型中常用的 动词有:hit ,pat ,beat ,touch ,strike 等等.
一般身体部位比较硬而突出的地方或强调接触人体的表面,用介词on;如on the head(back ,nose ,shoulder,chest,……)
一般在软而凹的部位用介词 in 如:in the face(eye ,stomach ,rib…..)
一般表示抓,拉,握,牵等.常见动词:catch ,seize ,grab ,pull ,take,hold ,.身体的某一部位时,用介词by.
选择填空:1 The boss_____him _____back and told him something secret Key (D)
A patted….by the B patted …on his C patted…in the D patted …on the
2 Mary led a granny_____hand to across the street Key(D)
A in..the B on the C by her D by the
3 He felt someone ____ him on ____shoulder when he was watching the game.KEY ( C)
A patted…his B pat..his C patting…the D patted….his