作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译1) First Round Quote of all deliverables in 1804 / 1810

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:43:16
1) First Round Quote of all deliverables in 1804 / 1810 format.- Please note that it should come in 1804 / 1810 format only .Format is attached below.Please note that for each buy level /final deliverable,there will be separate 1804/1810.We'll appreciate if you make standard Practice of putting 1804/1810's file name as " CT Name _ Supplier Name_ Part number _ Part Short Description_Quote date "
2) Quote Summary- Please submit quote summary in below format along with individual 1804 / 1810
3) Technical review presentation - Guideline is attached below FYR.Mainly your presentation should consist Brief company introduction,similar product profile & customer,Your proposed Manufacturing & shipping location for this RFQ along with Duns number & FRR rating,Your understanding on N200 Project,Your understanding on SOR/ Part,Part technical / BOM details,Part manufacturing & assembly process,Your inhouse/ outsourced/ BOP strategy,ADVPR,1738I,APQP/development timeplan etc.
4) Packaging details- Format is attached below.You need to submit your proposed packaging in this format.
5) Testing & Validation Scope- ADVPR format is attached below.You need to check SOR & understand these requirment & put in ADVPR format for our approval
1) 第一轮报价按照1804 / 1810格式提供.
-请注意它只能以 1804年 / 1810格式提供.格式附加在下面,请注意对于每个买级 /最终可交付的,都是一个单独的 1804/1810.我们会感激你们,通过标准练习把 1804/1810文件名输入为(写为)"CT 名称 _ 供应商片名称_零件编号 _ 零件简短描述_报价日期"
2) 报价概要(总结)-请按照以下下格式提交报价概要(总结)除按照单独的 1804 / 1810以外.
3) 技术回顾演示文稿-指引附在FYR下面.主要演示文稿应包括公司简要介绍,类似产品概况和客户,您建议的制造和船运的位置,给RFQ 以及 Duns 号 FRR 比例(神马意思?),你对N200 项目的理解,你对SOR/Part理解,还有零件(部件)工艺/详细的BOM(材料清单-总算有一个认识的),部件的制造与装配过程,你的内部 / 外包 / 收支平衡战略、 ADVPR、 1738I、 APQB/发展时间表,等等.
4) 包装详细信息-格式附在下面.您需要您建议的包装,以这种格式提交.
5) 测试和验证范围-ADVPR 格式附在下面.您需要检查长远发展策略研究,并了解这些需求,然后以ADVPR 格式供我们批准