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帮我写一篇英语作文 题目是《LOVE IN UNDERSTANDING 》中文翻译也要啊

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:30:41
帮我写一篇英语作文 题目是《LOVE IN UNDERSTANDING 》中文翻译也要啊
What is love?Love has diversity of meanings in eyes' of different people.For me,love is understanding.什么是爱?爱对于不同的人,意义不同.对我而言,爱就是理解.
When you have different opinions with your friends,you might not argue with them,instead,you can respect their views and try to look at the things from their perspectives.This is understanding,which is rooted in the love.当你和你的朋友们有不同见解的时候,你可能不会和他们争论不休,相反,你可能会尊重他们的观点,然后从他们的立场去看问题.这就是理解,植根于爱之上.
When your mother spoils your holiday due to her illness,you will definitely not blame her.On the opposite,you are willing to take care of her and look after her.This is understanding,which is an expression of love.因为你母亲的生病,而毁掉了你的假期的时候,你可能不会责备她.相反,你回很愿意去照顾她,守护着她.这就是理解,一种爱的表达.
When you see those poor people suffering in the wars,disease and disasters,you may cry for them and pray for them.This is understanding.Although they are strangers,your love for them is actually flooding.当你看见那些穷人遭受战争、疾病和灾难的时候,你或许会为他们哭泣,为他们祈祷.这就是理解.尽管他们是陌生人,但是你对他们的爱就在泛滥.
Without understanding each other,love cannot exist between people; without understanding,love cannot lighten up the whole world.没有相互间的理解,爱就不能存在人们之间,没有理解,爱就不会点亮整个世界.
再问: 爱的理解
再答: 已经修改了,你看下可以不?翻译是我自己翻译的。