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英语问题 1.Shall we go to beijing,____ capital of China?( )

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 20:44:12
英语问题 1.Shall we go to beijing,____ capital of China?( )
That's _________ good idea.
a.a,a b.a,the c.the,the d.the,a
2.I don't know ________ sheep there ______ on the farm.( )
a.how many,is b.how many,are c.how much is d.how much,are
3.Xinhua Bookshop is the biggest bookshop in Nanjing.You can choose ________ book you like there.( )
a.some b.many c.any d.a
4.His mother is ill in hospital .He must _____ there ________ his bicycle right now.( )
a.go to ,by b.goes to ,on c.go ,by d.go,on
5.My room is too small.I would like a bigger room ________.( )
a.live b.living c.to live d.to live in
6,Students in china usually have a lot of homework ______ every day.( )
a.do b.to do c.doing d.to doing
I think Nanjing is a ________ ________ for people _______ ________ _______.
Miss Zhong is friendly .All the students want to _____ _____ _____her.
1. D
the capital of China 特指,所以用定冠词the;
固定句型:That's a good idea. (那是一个)好主意.
2. B
3. C any book 任何书籍
4. D
on his bicycle = by bicycle 骑(他的)自行车
5. D
不定式短语作后置定语,形成短语live in a bigger room,所以in最好不要省略.
6. B
解释同上,形成短语do a lot of homework.
7. I think Nanjing is a (good place) for people (to live in).
8. 钟老师为人友善,同学们都想和她交朋友.
Miss Zhong is friendly. All the students want to (make friends with) her. 原创回答团(第159号会员)