作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.I don't like traveling by plane.I think it's _____(safe)to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 20:36:36
1.I don't like traveling by plane.I think it's _____(safe)to travel by train.
2.The more we get together ,the _______(happy)we will be.
3.After a day's walk,she felt so tired that she couldn't go ______(far)
4.Which river is the second ______(long)river in the world?
5.John is 22 years old.Judy is 20 years old.
John is two years _______ _______ Judy.
6.Yu Ping is wilder than any other girl in her class.
Yu Ping is _____ ______ of all the girls in her class.
7.My cousin doesn't draw as well as Mike.
My cousin _____ ______ than Mike.
8.My dictionary isn't so thick as yours.
My dictionary is _______ than yours.
1. safe (safe是形容词,be动词后面加形容词构成系表结构)
2. happier (“the+比较级……the+比较级……”的结构表示“越……越……”)
3. farther (go是动词,用副词修饰,而far既能做形容词又能做副词;根据句意,她走了一整天,感到很累,已经不能再走更远的路了,需要用比较级.far的比较级有farther和further,前者指的是路程上的远,后者指的是程度上的远.所以这里应该用farther)
4. longest (用形容词的最高级表示“最……” 这里 the second longest就是第二长的意思)
5. older than (用形容词的比较级.因为这里是拿两个人的年龄作比较)
6. the wildest (这题翻译一下就行了.题目是,Yu Ping比她班上的任何一个女生都要狂野,那也就是说Yu Ping是她们班上最狂野的女生了,所以说这道题要用形容词的最高级)
7. draws worse (首先主语是my cousin,时态是一般现在时,动词要用第三人称单数形式,加s;根据句意,“我的堂弟画画并不像Mike那样好”,也就是说我的堂弟画画比Mike差.差是bad,因为前面draws是动词,所以bad应该用它的副词形式:badly.badly的比较级是worse,所以本题答案是draws worse.注:bad和badly的比较级都是worse,最高级worst)
8. thinner (翻译一下:我的字典不像你的这么厚,也就是说我的字典比你的要薄,用thin的比较级thinner.注意双写.)