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论快乐 的英语翻译版?

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论快乐 的英语翻译版?
在旧书铺里买回来维尼(Vigny)的《诗人日记》(Journald'unpo te),信手翻开,就看见有趣的一条.他说,在法语里,喜乐(bonheur)一个名词是“好”和“钟点”两字拼成,可见好事多磨,只是个把钟头的玩意儿(Silebonheurn'taitqu'unebonnedenie!).我们联想到我们本国话的说法,也同样的意味深永,譬如快活或快乐的快字,就把人生一切乐事的飘瞥难留,极清楚地指示出来.所以我们又概叹说:“欢娱嫌夜短!”因为人在高兴的时候,活得太快,一到困苦无聊,愈觉得日脚像跛了似的,走得特别慢.德语的沉闷(langweile)一词,据字面上直译,就是“长时间”的意思.《西游记》里小猴子对孙行者说:“天上一日,下界一年.”这种神话,确反映着人类的心理.天上比人间舒服欢乐,所以神仙活得快,人间一年在天上只当一日过.从此类推,地狱里比人间更痛苦,日子一定愈加难度;段成式《西阳杂俎》就说:“鬼言三年,人间三日.”嫌人生短促的人,真是最快活的人;反过来说,真快活的人,不管活到多少岁死,只能算是短命夭折.所以,做神仙也并不值得,在凡间已经三十年做了一世的人,在天上还是个未满月的小孩.但是这种“天算”,也有占便宜的地方:譬如戴君孚《广异记》载崔参军捉狐妖,“以桃枝决五下”,长孙无忌说罚得太轻,崔答:“五下是人间五百下,殊非小刑.”可见卖老祝寿等等,在地上最为相宜,而刑罚呢,应该到天上去受.
发现了快乐由精神来决定,人类文化又进一步.发现这个道理,和发现是非善恶取决于公理而不取决于暴力,一样重要.公理发现以后,从此世界上没有可被武力完全屈服的人.发现了精神是一切快乐的根据,从此痛苦失掉它们的可怕,肉体减少了专制.精神的炼金术能使肉体痛苦都变成快乐的资料.于是,烧了房子,有庆贺的人;一箪食,一瓢饮,有不改其乐的人;千灾百毒,有谈笑自若的人.所以我们前面说,人生虽不快乐,而仍能乐观.譬如从写《先知书》的所罗门直到做《海风》诗的马拉梅(Mallarmé),都觉得文明人的痛苦,是身体困倦.但是偏有人能苦中作乐,从病痛里滤出快活来,使健康的消失有种赔偿.苏东坡诗就说:“因病得闲殊不恶,安心是药更无方.”王丹麓《今世说》也记毛稚黄善病,人以为忧,毛曰:“病味亦佳,第不堪为躁热人道耳!”在着重体育的西洋,我们也可以找着同样达观的人.工愁善病的诺凡利斯(Novalis)在《碎金集》里建立一种病的哲学,说病是“教人学会休息的女教师”.罗登巴煦(Rodenbach)的诗集《禁锢的生活》(LesViesEncloses)里有专咏病味的一卷,说病是“灵魂的洗涤(puration)”.身体结实、喜欢活动的人采用了这个观点,就对病痛也感到另有风味.顽健粗壮的十八世纪德国诗人白洛柯斯(B.H.Brockes)第一次害病,觉得是一个“可惊异的大发现(Einebewunderung swrdige Erfindung)”.对于这种人,人生还有什么威胁?这种快乐,把忍受变为享受,是精神对于物质的最大胜利.灵魂可以自主——同时也许是自欺.能一贯抱这种态度的人,当然是大哲学家,但是谁知道他不也是个大傻子?
In old books's shop to buy back pooh (Vigny) "poet diary (Journald 'unpo te), letter hand opened, they saw interesting one. He said, "in French, joy (bonheur) a noun is" good "and" clock "two characters Mosaic, visible often brings misfortune, just an hour contraption Silebonheurn 'taitqu' unebonnedenie!) . We associate to our country words parlance, also mean deep forever, such as happy or joyful quick word, just put life all pleasures floating d.a retention, extremely clear instructions out. So again we admire said: "pleasure disrelish night short!" Because the person when you are happy, live so fast, to a poor boring, the foot feels like lameness, though, go very special slowly. German depressing (langweile) a word, according to literally literal translation, is "a long time" means. "Journey to the west" in little monkey of sun skywalker said: "heaven day, lower year." This myth, it reflects the human psychology. Heaven than the comfortable joy, so fairy live fast, earth in heaven ought to 1 year. Henceforth analogy, hell is more painful than earth day must have more difficulty;, DuanChengShi the west Yang miscellaneous da "say:" ghost said three years, earth days." Don't think life is short, is happiest person, Conversely, really happy person, no matter how old, live to death only can be short-lived untimely death. Therefore, to do the fairy also is not worth, has been three years on earth did buried in heaven or a under month of children. But this "day", also have the advantage of place: for example DaiJunFu "widely different ji load cui catch fox demon," the army with peach branch runoff five, "chang mowgli said penalty too light, cui answer:" five times is world 500 next, extremely non-small punishment." Visible MaiLao birthday, etc., on the earth, and the most fitting for punishment? Should go to heaven by.
"Happy forever" this sentence, not only slim cannot implemented, and absurd to cannot be established. Faster than the never permanent, We say that always happy, just like all round, said static movement likewise paradoxical. When you are happy, we empty of evanescent time cried out: "go hang around! You're beautiful!" That have what use? You want to permanent, you should give pain to find. Do not speak nothing but a sleepless night, or about not to come in the afternoon, or lesson depressing listening - this many than all religious belief has more power, can make you taste what is called "eternal life taste. Life's thorn, is here, miss the refused to go faster, partial is that you do not miss anything.
Happiness in life, like entice children take medicine of sugar, and more like running dog dog race of electric field entice rabbit. A few minutes or days happy living a life time, make we endure lots of pain. We want it to, in the hope that it stay, hope it again -- these three wordses generalizes the whole history of human endeavor. In our pursuit and waited, life and unknowingly steal degrees in the past. Perhaps we just spending time chips, live life but for that I acted as the years here were funeral objects for emperors, did not know that happiness. But we also don't understand is to die, we also bluffed into ideal after death a paradise, where - thank god, also have this day! We finally enjoy eternal happiness. You see, happy deceived, not only like electricity rabbits and sugar, so that we bore life and fang Buddha aided by the bait, and have brought us a freewill to die. In this light, life is a pain, but not a pessimistic, because it eventually hold happiness of hope. Now accounts, we advance in the future to pay. For fun, we even willing to slow death.
Moller wrote "painful Socrates" and "happy pigs" comparison. If the pig really know that happy, then pig and Socrates were feeble. Pig whether can be happy like man, we do not know; But people will easily satisfied like pigs, we are often seen. The happiness of mental and physical points in two, this is the most careless of analysis. All enjoy a happy belong to spirit, although happy reason is physical substances stimulation. Children born down, fed milk have quietly sleeping, don't know what is happy feeling comfortable, though it. Because the child spirit and body haven't differentiation, just chaos nebula state. Taking a bath, watching a flower, eat a meal, and if you feel happy, because not all washed clean bath bloom in the well, or food to your taste, mainly because your heart no GuaAi, relaxed soul can focus on the flesh of feeling, to enjoy, to authorized. If your spirit annoyed, like will leave the banquet, along with it how to cook good, eat just soil flavor, mud taste. At that point, the soul of fang Buddha that were diseased eye dreads the sunshine, tear skin wounds afraid of contact with air, although air and sunlight are good things. Happy when you have heart without 愧怍. If you really feel happy, crime and you must and morality, an educated man also feel at ease. Have the most white conscience, with full without conscience or have the darkest conscience, the effect is the same.
Discovered by the spirit to decide happy human culture, and further. Find this truth, and found that is good and evil depends on justice rather than by violence, just as important. Axiom found later, from now on the world without can be completely succumb. Force Found the spirit is all joyful according to, from now on pain lost their terrible, reduce the autocratic flesh. Spirit of alchemy can make physical pain all become happy material. Hence, burned the house with celebrated person, An express food, a Duncan, have not change its joy; Thousands of plagues 100 poison, have laughing as people. So we mentioned, life is not happy, but can still optimistic. For example from the prophet wrote the book of doing the sea breeze until Solomon poems horse-drawn mei (Mallarme), feel the pain of civilized man body to be sleepy. But can anyone taking pains, partial from sickness in filter out happy that healthy disappear gutty and compensation. Su dongpo poems is said: "due to illness have leisure pogorelich not evil, ease is a medicine more wrongly." Wang said the wretchedness of rock MaoZhi also write HuangShan disease, people thought the sorrow, MAO yue: "ill flavour excellent too, ZaoRe humanitarian ear for the first unbearable!" In the western sports emphatically, we can also find the same sensible man.