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英语翻译Between bears and hawksThe Fed has more to fear frominfl

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 22:16:42
Between bears and hawks
The Fed has more to fear from
inflation than from slower growth
WOULD win no prizes for elegant prose,but the statement that accompanied the
Federal Reserve's latest quarter-point increase in interest rates on May 10th
was at least clear.The central bankers are not sure what to do next.“Further
policy firming may yet be needed to address inflation risks,” they said,but
they added that “the extent and timing of any such firming will depend
importantly on the evolution of the economic outlook as implied by incoming
Fed's desire not to tie itself down is understandable.After 16 consecutive
rate increases,American monetary policy is no longer loose and there are signs
that areas of the economy that are sensitive to interest rates,notably the
housing market,are feeling the effects of dearer money.Virtually all
economists predict slower economic growth in the months ahead,a view given credence
by April's surprisingly modest pace of job creation.Because higher interest
rates take a while to show their full effect,prudence suggests a pause.
Otherwise the central bankers risk slowing demand too sharply.
said,the economy has hitherto been roaring along at a wholly unsustainable
pace:output grew at an annualised rate of 4.8% in the first quarter of the
year.Both labour and product markets are tight,global growth is looking ever
stronger,commodity prices are soaring,the dollar is falling,and American
inflation is already pressing against the limits of the tolerable.
The Fed's
favourite measure of inflation,the annual increase in the “core” personal
consumption expenditure (PCE) deflator (ie,excluding fuel and food),rose in
March to 2%—the most that Ben Bernanke,the Fed's newish chairman,feels
comfortable with.On balance,the chances are that,over the next few months at
least,the Fed will worry more about inflation than about slower
technicalities provide one reason for this.Arithmetical nuances alone suggest
that the 12-month core PCE deflator will hover around,or even exceed,2% for a
while.More important,the housing component of core inflation,which is based
on rental prices,is rising.
A core
inflation rate temporarily above 2% need not automatically raise red flags.It
has exceeded that threshold several times in recent years.And,as economists
at Goldman Sachs have pointed out,the Federal Reserve stopped raising interest
rates in early 1995 and mid-2000 despite a modest rise in core inflation.Then,
however,the general trend of inflation was downwards; now it is rising.
  美联储最喜欢通胀政策是,每年提高年人均消费支出(PCE)的平减指数(即不包括燃料和食品),直到3月份上升到历史最高点——平减指数为2%后,美联储的新任主席——本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)才心满意足地停手.总的来说,至少在接下来的几个月里,相比于经济增长缓慢的状况,美联储更有可能担心通货膨胀引发的恶劣后果.