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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/19 17:22:08
澳大利亚位于最小的大洲大洋洲~是世界上第6大的国家~他是一个干旱气候为主的国家~只有少部分沿海地区有充足的雨量 她由六个洲组成 其中墨尔本和悉尼是最大的两个城市 他以明媚的阳光 数不清的牛羊和奇特的野生动物植物而著名 世界各地的游客来到这里欣赏他的美景
Australia is located in the smallest continent---Oceania and is the sixth largest country in the world.The climate of Australia is mainly arid and only a small number of coastal areas has adequate rainfall.It is composed of six states; Melbourne and Sydney are the two largest cities.It is well-known because of the bright sunshine,the countless cattles and sheep and the exotic wild plants.Tourists from all around the world travel here to enjoy the beauty of Australia.