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英语翻译1.这个作品(我设计的椅子)融入了Gerrit Rietveld设计的zig zag chair的元素.把整个椅

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 23:06:48
1.这个作品(我设计的椅子)融入了Gerrit Rietveld设计的zig zag chair的元素.把整个椅子摊平就像是一整快材料.材料全部用的是木材.沿用了zig zag chair的底座(就是支架,也可以说是椅子腿).大块的材料,简洁的线条,使椅子非常有整体感.椅背和扶手的线条更加柔化了,同时增加了舒适度.
2.这个作品同样融入了Gerrit Rietveld的元素.用数块简单几何形状的材料拼接而成.桌面的重量靠四个桌腿支撑,而四个桌腿都互相固定在中间的长条上.此作品的点精之笔是颜色的设计,灵感来源于Gerrit Rietveld设计的red-blue chair.
3.这个沙发融合了两种风格.深色木制的扶手,有种古典的感觉,再加上现代感很强的坐垫和靠背,深红色也透着古老的气息,简单的几何形状又沿用了Gerrit Rietveld的风格.
1this work(the chair which is my production)has the element of
zig zag chair by Gerrit Rietveld.when we spread out it,it looks like a one-piece material.the material are all of wood.i continue to use zig zag chair's base(namely is bracket,also called the legs of chair).the massive material,compact line,both make the chair have a plastic feel.the lines of the back of this chair and the armrest are more soft,at the same time,it increases the cosiness .
2this work also has the element of Gerrit Rietveld.we use some simple material which are geometric to meet it.the desktop's weight is supported by four legs,and that the four legs are pegged over the long strip .this work's pith is the design of colour ,the afflatus is from the red-blue chair which is designed by Gerrit Rietveld.
3this sofa syncretizes two style.the dark and wooden armrest have classic feel.superadding stylish cushion and backrest,carmine is full of age-old tinge too.the simple material which are geometric continue to use Gerrit Rietveld's style again.