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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 17:18:27
The main purpose of this study was to examine influences on perceived risk when purchasing online. The expectation of H1, of a relationship between the level of online purchasing experience and risk, was not proven. One possible explanation for this is that consumers experienced with the internet do not view the medium as an issue when purchasing. Therefore, the medium poses a similar perceptual
obstacle to purchasing, whether the consumer has made one purchase or many. This implies that, regardless of whether marketing efforts are directed at consumers who have made one purchase or several purchases, the results will be similar. As such, consumers who have experienced online purchasing can be treated as a relatively homogeneous group.
H2 was partially confirmed. Perceived risk of purchase felt towards the hypothetical buying examples was related to prior purchase satisfaction, but only across low-involvement goods and services. Hence the conclusion that satisfying experiences moderate perceptions of risk towards simple
online purchase decisions. This suggests that online retailers of low-involvement products will have greater success in attracting repeat purchasers than retailers of high-involvement products. To confirm this finding beyond its exploratory framework, the experiment must be expanded to encompass a range of low-involvement purchases, from a variety of sites and brands, and dissatisfied consumers actively sought, in order to assess the full impact of prior purchase satisfaction. Internet businesses may benefit from further investigation of the role of prior purchase satisfaction, specifically in relation to their online brand.
Varying dimensions of the purchase situation were shown to have a significant bearing on the risks perceived by consumers. Differences in perceived risk felt towards different buying situations suggest that certain types of purchase may present a significantly high risk and are unsuitable for marketing through the internet. This concurs with the recent findings of Kiang and Chi (2001), noting that the internet is particularly suited to the marketing of frequent (lowinvolvement) or intangible (serviceoriented) purchases.
不同层面的购买情况表明有重大影响的风险知觉的消费者.差别感觉知觉风险对不同购买情况表明,某些类型的采购,可能会显着高风险和不适合于通过互联网销售.这赞同最近的调查结果的浙江和迟浩田( 2001年) ,并指出,互联网是特别适合的营销频繁( lowinvolvement )或无形资产( serviceoriented )购买