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英语翻译Job turnover measures labor mobility on a labor market.G

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 19:59:18
Job turnover measures labor mobility on a labor market.Generally,the flexibility in labor mobility is important for a mature labor market.Job turnover,however,will also result in transitional costs.For example,it takes time for an employee to get back to the 15 productivity level in the new job.The CHIP-95 provides indirect information that can be used to track labor turnover in China.Table 8 shows that 42.8% of employed changed their job at least once.Very few people change their job in their first 5 years,but in the second five years,about one fifth employees change jobs.
工作上的人员调整可以作为测量在劳动力市场上劳动力流动性的标尺.通常,劳动力流动的灵活性对于一个成熟的劳动力市场来说十分重要.但是,工作人员调整也将可能造成过渡期的费用.比如说,它会花费新员工一定时间来适应新工作(the 15 productivity level 不懂,是十五级的生产率?混乱) CHIP-95 提供了一些间接信息,这些信息可用来观察中国劳动力调整的动态.Table 8提供数据表明42.8% 的雇员至少更换过一次工作.极少数的人会选择在他们工作的头五年更换工作,但是在第二个五年,有五分之一的雇员会选择更换工作.