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英语翻译While tremendous strides have been made in connecting di

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:41:51
While tremendous strides have been made in connecting disparate data sources using sophisticated middleware solutions,advanced data exchange protocols,and common vocabulary standards,there is still a lack of associations at the semantic level.One of the larger impediments to truly harnessing the power of information and better equipping us to meet the challenges described above is a lack of understanding of what the information means and how it is used in one system versus another.
Officially,Semantics is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning,changes in meaning,and the principles that govern the relationship between sentences or words and their meanings,whereas Information Semantics is the semantic representation (meaning) for our systems,our data,our documents,or our agents (Obrst,July 13th,2004,slide 8).
Information semantics represents organizational and cultural contexts embedded within organizational missions,hierarchies,vocabularies,workflow,and work patterns.The same concept might be expressed in different terms,e.g.“Price” may appear in one system; “cost” in another.The same term might have different meanings,e.g.A “Captain” in the Army is equivalent to a “Lieutenant” in the Navy; a “Captain” in the Navy is a “Colonel” in the Army.Similarly,an “informant” in a law enforcement organization might be termed an “information source” in an intelligence organization and might include sources other than just people.Even in the same organization,the same term might refer to entirely different concepts by different offices,e.g.“Security” as in “Building Security” vs.“Security” as in “Data Security”.Perhaps even more critical is to accept that the same term might carry different meanings over time due to organizational changes.
虽然取得了巨大的进展,在连接不同的数据来源,使用先进的中间件解决方案,先进的数据交换协议,及常用词汇标准,但仍是一个缺乏协会在语义层面.其中较大的障碍,真正掌握信息并更好地使我们应付挑战 上述是一个缺乏了解什么信息手段,以及它是如何使用的一个系统.还是另一个.正式学,语义学的一个分支,语言学处理研究的意义,变化的含义,和原则,执政关系的句子或词及其意义,而信息的语义,是语义表达(意义) ,我们的制度,我们这方面的资料,文件,或者我们代理商( obrst ,2004年7月13日,幻灯片8 ) .语义信息是组织和文化背景嵌入在组织任务,等级,词汇,工作流程和工作模式.同样的概念可以表述不同的术语,例如:"价格"可能出现的一种制度; "成本"在另一个国家.同一术语可能有不同的含义,例如:"机长:"军队是相当于一个"中尉"的海军; "队长"在海军是一个"上校"的军队.同样,"线人"在执法组织,可称之为"信息源"的一个情报组织,并可能包括:其他来源不仅仅是人.即使在同一组织内,同一术语可能是指完全不同的概念,不同处,例如:"安全"作为"建筑安全"与"安全"作为"安全数据" .也许更重要的就是要接受,同一术语可能会带来不同的含义时间推移,由于组织 变化.