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跪求英语四人口语练习,类似于情景对话的那种 三到五分钟的 最好是搞笑的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 04:03:03
跪求英语四人口语练习,类似于情景对话的那种 三到五分钟的 最好是搞笑的
Once upon a time…A witch had a pair of stinky feet. They were very disgusting. So, she wanted to find a person to change her feet.
And one day she flied to “Fragrance Country”. She found everyone there had a pair of fragrant feet. And the prince had the most fragrant pair of feet. The prince took a nap and snored under the tree. At that time, the witch exchanged her own stinky feet with the prince’s fragrant feet.
There was a princess who couldn’t sleep in “Beauty Country”. Although the king and the queen tried many methods, she still couldn’t sleep. The king and the queen were very worried about their daughter.
And then, they discovered a perfect method for the princess to fall asleep: Whenever the princess couldn’t sleep, she only had to smell the prince’s stinky feet, and then she would sleep very well. In the end, the prince and the princess lived happily together.
Ada 小女孩 旁白
WitchTwo crows, two flowers, two strangers
(One afternoon, a girl, Ada, is reading a book)
Ada: Oh~ what an interesting story! Once upon a time…A witch had a pair of stinky feet. They smelt worse than stinky tofu. They were very disgusting. So, she wanted to find a person to change her feet.
Ada: And one day she flied to “Fragrance country”. She found everyone there had a pair of fragrant feet. And the prince had the most fragrant pair of feet. The prince took a nap and snored under the tree.
Witch: (screaming and laughing and dancing)I’m the most perfect witch who has both beauty and intelligence. More and more people fall for my…my … feet! Oh no, my feet! I’m such a charming witch, but why do my feet stink so much? Everyone faints when they smell my feet. The smell of my feet can kill mice. Oh, I don’t want to live. I want to fly away!
(Flying to the Fragrance country)
Witch: (Crying) I hate my feet! I hate my feet! (in a low voice) Ha-ha, what’s the smell? It smells so sweet. (Searching) Oh. What a handsome boy. (Come closer and take a deep breath) Oh, oh, oh, why do his feet have such a sweet smell? It’s just not fair! (Angrily) Not fair! Look, he’s sleeping and snoring. Let me exchange my feet with his! (Doing magic and laughing loudly) Oh, my feet. You smell so sweet! Now I’m really the most charming witch. (Fly away)
Prince: (Asleep and dreaming) Oh! What a beautiful girl you are! You are my only one – my dear princess.
Prince: (Wake up!) Oh~ what’s wrong? What a bad smell! The room smells of stinky tofu. Is it my table? My hand? My chair? My head? Or my window? Oh no! It’s my feet. I have a pair of stinky feet. How did it happen? (Hold on to his head.)(Run away) I can’t believe it!
(The prince is walking and sees some crows on the way.)
Prince: Oh~ there are many crows.
Crow A: Please go away…
Crow B: Quickly! It’s full of bad smell here.
Crows: We are going to die, because your feet are too disgusting.
Prince: Oh! I am so sorry…My feet cause you much trouble…Sorry~!
(Prince continues to walk. He sees some flowers.)
Prince: Hum~ I like the perfume of flowers.
Flower A: Oh! I can’t live without fresh air.
Flower B: Keep your feet far away from us, please.
Flowers: Your feet are too disgusting.
Prince: Why does everyone dislike me? I am so sad and I am sorry for making you feel bad.
(Prince continues to walk.)
Prince: What can I do? I want my sweet-smelling feet back.
(Many strangers are buying from vendors on the road.)
Stranger A: Did you step in something? Check your shoes.
Stranger B: Oh! Don’t talk nonsense.
Stranger C: I know where that bad smell comes from. It’s him.
Strangers: Just get lost! Dirty man!
Prince: Oh I’m sorry. I’m not a dirty man. My feet are really disgusting.
(Prince continues to walk.)
Ada: There was a princess who couldn’t sleep in “Beauty country.”Although king and queen tried many methods, she still couldn’t sleep.
Ada: The king and the queen are very worried about their daughter. Then, they finally found a perfect solution after several trials and failures…
(In the palace.)
Queen: I am the queen!
King: Of course I am the king!
Queen: You never care about your daughter!
King: So…what happened to our baby?
Queen: My dear daughter can’t sleep!
King: So…what can we do?
(Queen brings many kinds of pills to her daughter.)
King: Oh~my dear, just take them all.
Princess: Take them all? Are you sure?
King: Yes!
Princess: (Take medicine) I still can’t sleep.I still can’t sleep!
(Try another method.)
King: Hey my dear! Dad teaches you a good way to fall sleep: Counting Sheep.
Princess: 1 sheep 2 sheep 3 sheep …..oh,dad, I still can’t sleep!
King: Oh, no! It didn’t work. Maybe we should get help from people.
Queen: OK! Go out on the streets and find some help.
(Prince walks in the Beauty Country and looks at a crowd of people. Some people try to make the princess sleep.)
Prince: (To himself.) I think I can make the princess sleep! Can I try?
Queen: Yes! It’s our pleasure. Please try.
Prince: Thank you! (Take his shoes off and put his feet in front of the princess.) Sorry! My dear princess!
Princess: Oh! Your feet smell so awful. I can’t breathe and I want to sleep.
Queen: Oh no! My dear~ What happened to you? Don’t scare us!
(King touches her nose to check if the princess breathes.)
King: She’s still breathing. She just fell asleep.Queen: Thank you! Oh, thank God! My dear baby finally fell asleep.(Queen hugs the Princess.)
King: (To the prince.) Oh! Thank you! We are very lucky to meet you.
Prince: I can’t believe it! My disgusting feet have magic power!
Queen: Oh! Don’t say that! They are not disgusting at all. Congratulations! You are going to marry my dear daughter.
King: Yes! This is a happy ending.
Ada: Whenever the princess couldn’t sleep, all she had to do was to smell the prince’s stinky feet. And then, she would sleep very well. In the end, the prince and the princess lived happily together. 翻译 从前,一个巫婆有一双臭脚,人们都很讨厌.所以,她想找一个人换掉她的双脚.
有一天她来到"香国" .她发现,人人都有双香脚.一天王子午睡,巫婆用自己的臭脚换了王子的香脚.
最后王子和公主很幸福的生活在一起.角色:阿达  王后  国王王子公主  女巫  两只乌鸦,两朵花,两个陌生人  场景1  (一天下午,一个女孩,Ada,正在读书)  阿达:哦~多有趣的故事!从前…一个女巫有一双臭脚,闻起来竟然比臭豆腐还臭,很恶心.因此,她想找一个人要的脚去换她的脚.阿达:有一天,她飞到“香国”.她发现那的人都有一双香脚,王子的脚最香.王子在树下小憩并打着鼾.    女巫:(尖叫着,笑着跳舞)我是最完美的,我既有美丽又有智慧.越来越多的人落入我…我…脚!哦,不,我的脚!我这么迷人的女巫,但是为什么我的脚这么臭呢?每个人闻到我的脚都会晕过去.我的脚的味道可以杀死老鼠.哦,我不想活了.我要飞走了!  (飞往香气国家)  女巫:(哭泣)我讨厌我的脚!我讨厌我的脚!(低声说)哈哈,那是什么味道?闻起来太香了.(搜索)哦,一个多么英俊的男孩.(走进,深呼吸)哦,哦,哦,为什么他的脚有着如此甜美的味道?这真不公平!(生气地说)不公平!瞧,他睡觉打鼾.让我和他换脚!(魔法和大声地笑)哦,我的脚.你闻起来太香了!现在,我真的是最迷人的女巫了.(飞走了)    王子:(睡著,做梦)哎呀!多么美丽的女孩!你是我唯一的亲爱的公主.  王子:(醒来了!)哦~怎么了?什么是坏的气味! !这个房间有股臭豆腐的味道.它是我的桌子吗?我的手吗?我的椅子?我的头吗?或者我的窗吗?噢,不!是我的脚.我有一双臭脚.这是怎么回事?(抓住他的头.)(逃跑)我不敢相信!    场景2  (王子行走,看见几只乌鸦.)  王子:哦~有许多乌鸦.  乌鸦:请快走…  乌鸦B:快!这里充满了难闻的气味.  乌鸦:我们都快要死过去了,因为你的脚太恶心.  王子:哦!我很抱歉…我的脚给你带来很多麻烦…对不起~ !    (小王子继续走,他看到一些花.)  王子:哼~我喜欢花的芳香.  花:哦!我不能没有新鲜的空气.  花B:请你的脚离我们远一点.  花:你的脚太恶心了.  王子:为什么每个人都不喜欢我那?我太伤心了,我很抱歉让你们感觉不好.    (小王子继续走了.)  王子:我能做些什么?我希望我的脚重新香起来.  (许多外邦人走供应商在路上.)  路人A:你有没有踩到什么?检查下你的鞋子.  路人B:哦!别胡说八道.   路人A:我知道那难闻的气味从何而来.是他.  路人B:就滚开!肮脏的男人!   王子:哦,我很抱歉.我不是一个肮脏的人.我的脚太脏了.  (小王子继续走了.)    场景3  阿达: 在“美丽国”,有一位公主总是睡不着.虽然国王和王后曾尝试过许多方法,她仍然无法入睡.阿达:国王和王后非常担心他们的女儿.经过几个试验和失败后,他们终于找到一个完美的解决办法. (进入了宫殿.)   王后:我是女王!  王:我当然是国王!  王后:你不关心你的女儿! ! !  国王:那么…我们的孩子发生了什么事?  王后:我亲爱的女儿睡不着!  国王:那么…我们能做些什么呢?  (女王给她女儿带来许多种药丸.)  国王:哦~我亲爱的,把这些药都吃掉.  公主:都吃掉吗?你确定吗?  国王:是的!  公主:(吃药)我还是睡不着,我还是睡不着!    (试着另一种方法.)  国王:嘿,亲爱的!爸爸教你的一种睡眠的好方法:数羊.  公主:1只绵羊2羊三羊……爸爸,我还是睡不着!  国王:噢,不!没有用.也许我们应该找人帮帮忙.  王后:好吧!去在大街上,看看谁有办法.    场景4  王子走在“美丽国”的路上,看到一群人,他们在试图让公主睡觉.)  王子:(对他自己说)我想我让公主睡觉!我可以试试吗?  王后:当然可以!这是我们的荣幸.请试试吧!  王子:谢谢!(他把鞋子脱掉,把他的脚放在公主前面)对不起!我亲爱的公主!  公主:哦!你的脚闻起来是如此的臭.我不能呼吸了,我要睡觉了.  王后:噢,不!我亲爱的~,你发生了什么事?不要吓我们!  (国王碰触到她的鼻子检查公主的呼吸.)  国王:她还在呼吸.她只是睡着了.  王后:谢谢!哦,感谢上帝!我亲爱的宝贝终于睡着了.(女王抱走公主)  国王:(对王子说)哦!谢谢!我们很幸运,能见到你.  王子:我简直不敢相信!我的恶心的脚如此有魔力! !  王后:啊!不要这么说,他们不是恶心.恭喜你!你要嫁给我亲爱的女儿.  国王:是的!这是一个幸福的结局.    阿达:每当公主睡不着,她只要闻王子的臭脚就会睡得很好.最后,王子和公主幸福地生活在一起.