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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:18:30
fit 1.To be the proper size and shape for:合适,适合:成为合适的大小和形状:These shoes fit me.这些鞋很合适我穿 2.To cause to be the proper size and shape:使合适:使成为合适的大小和形状:The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them.裁缝把这条裤子裁短了一些使之合身 3.To measure for proper size:量身:为合适的尺寸而测量:She fitted me for a new jacket.她给我量做一件新茄克 4.To be appropriate to; suit:合适;适合:music that fits your mood.适合你心情的音乐 5.To be in conformity or agreement with:与…一致;与…相配合:observations that fit the theory nicely.与理论完全相符的观测 6.To make suitable; adapt:使合适;使配合:fitted the shelves for large books.使书架能放大部头的书 7.To make ready; prepare:使准备好;准备好:Specialized training fitted her for the job.让她做这项工作的专门训练 8.To equip; outfit:装备;提供必须的装备:fit out a ship.准备一条船 9.To provide a place or time for:为…提供场所或时间:You can't fit any more toys in the box.The doctor can fit you in today.你在那箱子里已装不下更多的玩具了.今天医生能跟你定个时间 10.To insert or adjust so as to be properly in place:安装:插入或调整使之在合适的位置上:fit a handle on a door.给门安上一个把手 11.To be suited; belong:相配;属于:doesn't fit in with these people.与这些人格格不入 12.To be in harmony; agree:和谐;一致:His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.他良好的心绪与那欢快的场合很和谐 suit 1.To meet the requirements of; suit 1.To meet the requirements of; fit:适合,符合…的要求:This candidate does not suit our qualifications.这个候选人不符合我们的条件 2.To make appropriate or suitable; adapt:使适合,便适应,使适宜:builders who suit the house to the owner's specifications.使房子适合房主提出的规格的建筑工们 3.To be appropriate for; befit:合适:a color that suits you.适合你的颜色 4.To please; satisfy:使高兴,使感到满意:a choice that suits us all.一个让我们大家都满意的选择 5.To provide with clothing; dress:供给…衣服,给…穿衣服:The NCOs suited the recruits in green uniforms.军士匀给新兵穿上绿色的制服 go on with 去做某种事 Go on with you