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When evening fell,the weather_______even worse.A.became B.ch

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 06:24:15
When evening fell,the weather_______even worse.A.became B.changed C.turned D.were
become ,change ,turn 当改变讲的时候,用法分别是什么?
这句子比较中式,我认为答案为 A.became
The weather became warmer.天气变得暖和起来.
The weather changed last night.昨晚天气变了.
This hot weather has turned the milk.这炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了.
The weather has suddenly turned cold.天气变冷了.
become 都又变成之意,become是系动词,become必须跟形容词,比如became hot
turn有变化之意,是动词,可以跟名词,比如 turned the milk; 亦可作系动词,等同于become
change 是改变,不是变成,比如weather changed.
再问: 答案为B. 谁来解释一下原因。
再答: 谁告诉你的答案为changed? became 怎么不对?说天气变化用changed其实也是可以的,只是我想说的是,这种中考大量存在的可以有两个答案的题,实在误人子弟。有人称之为脑残题(在此我无意诋毁中考出题员们,但是真希望他们出题考虑一下实用性,千万不要出几个答案在实际生活中都对而中考出题员只给一个答案的题)。英语中存在大量的同义词,它们可以互相代替,互相替换。至于本题,我仍然认为答案应该为became. 我找出了文章出处。请看下面一篇完型填空短文(新目标初二上第12单元测试4),如果你是来选择,请问第6题你选择什么? London is such a wonderful city.It is very large.The Thames River runs through the city from west to east.So the city has two parts,the South and North.In the North are important buildings,shops,big parks and interesting places. The weather in London is good.In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot because the city is near the sea .People say that London is a foggy city and it often rains.It is true.Last year,when I was in London I met one of the thickest fogs in years.You could almost not see your hand in front of your face.Cars and buses moved along with their lights on.When evening fell,the weather 6 A.becomes B.got C.turn D.grow even worse.The fog was as white as milk.All buses and cars stopped .I happened to (碰巧)have an important meeting on the other side of the town,but it was too hard to find a car,I had to get there on foot. 根据上下文,答案当然为 A. becomes. 那么知道上下文了,回头我们在看一看原来的问题就知道怎么回事了,请再读: When evening fell, the weather_______even worse. A. became B. changed C. turned D. were 你的选择当然是 A became。至于B.changed,我本人认为也是可以算对的。 PS 如果不是因为想给自己添点百度经验分值,我真的不想继续讨论此类题,挺没用的。中考出题尽量减少这种不实际脱离上下文的无用题吧。 我们大学专业教师在做中学选择题时常常出错,不知道是我们水平低还是题出得没水平,呵呵。共勉!