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英语翻译Tank and cover shall be constructed of welded steel plat

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:50:07
Tank and cover shall be constructed of welded steel plate suitable reinforced.
The joints between the tank and cover sh all be provided with suitable flanges
properly bolted together with gaskets.Gaskets between metal surfaces shall be
set in grooves or held in position by retainers so arranged that all parts are
bolted metal-to-metal.The gaskets shall be made of resilient material which
will not deteriorate under the action of hot oil and will remain oil-tight
(equivalent to NEBAR N67).Gaskets of such material which can be easily
damaged by overpressing (e.g.any kind of impregnated/bonded cork) are not
tank 油箱 cover 油箱盖
Tank and cover shall be constructed of welded steel plate suitable reinforced.
油箱和油箱盖应采用 合适强度的钢板 焊接而成.
(包括从材料和结构上的加强, 当然材料和结构都在图纸上定, 这里顺便提了一下而已)
The joints between the tank and cover shall all be provided with suitable flanges properly bolted together with gaskets.
油箱和油箱盖之间的连接, 应该全部采用 螺栓 连接合适的法兰盘, 并配上密封垫.
(就是 螺栓法兰连接, 中间加密封圈)
Gaskets between metal surfaces shall be set in grooves or held in position by retainers so arranged that all parts are bolted metal-to-metal.
密封圈 应该安装到凹槽中,安装到位, 以保证 所有螺栓结合后, 各个零件的金属表面之间是贴合的.
(就是要求, 不要把垫圈 压到 法兰盘的金属面上了)
The gaskets shall be made of resilient material which will not deteriorate under the action of hot oil and will remain oil-tight (equivalent to NEBAR N67).
密封圈应由弹性材料制成, 该材料在 高油温的作用下 不能变质失效, 而必须保证油密封性. (相当于nebarN67).
Gaskets of such material which can be easily damaged by overpressing (e.g. any kind of impregnated / bonded cork) are not acceptable
这种密封垫圈的材料, 如果在 过度挤压的情况下() 会很容易损坏, 则为不合格.
(比如: 任何一种充满油 / 或者 有 碎渣 挤入的情况)
再问: 你好你翻译的很专业谢谢。能否帮我看下这句话 All seams and joints other than thos e which may have to be broken shall be welded both inside and outside to secure strong, leak-proof joints.
再答: All seams and joints other than those which may have to be broken shall be welded both inside and outside to secure strong, leak-proof joints. 除了那些 可能要被破坏的(连接处), 其他所有的接缝和连接, 都要求做内外双面焊接,以确保强度,(连接处的) 防漏。 (这个 "可能要被破坏的连接处" 应该是已经有特别指明的地方了)