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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:31:37
1身为篮球天才的男孩 Troy 并没有排斥众人的希望,也没有放弃追求的梦想,成为一个快乐自信的人.Gabriella 的智力超群,她将学习和兴趣很好地兼顾,因为她有别人给予的鼓励和信赖.Troy 有了朋友的支持和父亲的理解,勇敢的参加了音乐剧的汇演.他们用音乐表达了自己的想法.
Gabriella 和 Troy 唱出了令人惊叹的水平,最终获得了冠军.
1.As a basketball genius boy Troy did not exclude people of hope,never give up the pursuit of the dream, to become a happy and confident person. Gabriella intellectual superior, she will beinterested in learning and good balance, because she has othersto give encouragement and trust. Troy has the support of friends and his father's understanding, brave in musical performance.They expressed their ideas in music.
Gabriella and Troy sing the amazing level, finally won the championship.
2.A giant claw to speak quickly, with no gloss lazy like de a head, be subject to changing moods of the mammoth Manny and a saber toothed tiger Diego, this three be misfits animal exceeding one's expectations, but also very reluctantly come together, because they hope will be a human baby returned to him his father's side.They face the boiling lava pits, hidden ice cave, cold weatherbravely, as well as a secret, even the evil conspiracy. This three prehistoric animal not only act as a baby sitter, even after the ice and icebergs all kinds of dangers to escort him home.