作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 11:44:16
帮我将下面两段话翻译成英文,不要用翻译软件应为那会有语法错误,最好哪位精通英语帮帮忙,我是一个平凡的人,我平凡但我并不平庸,我只是在等,等待化蛹成蝶的一刻 当你跌入谷底的时候,不要绝望,抬起头,你会看见一片灿烂星空 我要用我的青春拼搏我的未来
I am a normal people,but not a mediocre one.However,I am just waiting,waiting for the moment that I break the coocon as a butterfly.While you are failing into the gorgy,please don't be despair,rise your head and watch the bright star.I will use my youthfulness to content for a more wonderful future.
再问: 能分一下段落吗
再答: 额……才发现有错……希望你看得到,despair改成despaired哈!
再问: 看到了
再答: I am a normal people, but not a mediocre one.
However, I am just waiting,
waiting for the moment that I break the coocon as a butterfly.
While you are failing into the gorgy, please don't be despair,
rise your head and watch the bright star.
I will use my youthfulness to content for a more wonderful future.
再问: 能问一下coocon是什么意思吗?
再答: 囧……又手滑……cocoon,茧
再问: gorgy!
再问: 这不是高尔基的意思吗?
再答: gorge……(捂脸奔走……)
再问: 不过还是谢谢你的帮助!
再答: 不谢,人家都不好意思啦~不过建议把两个回答综合起来用哦,感觉我其实在用词上是绝对比不过bduser0630的~比如说吧……我觉得valley就比gorge好啦!