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英语完形填空 Mr.Smith is an old man.He __1___ two big houses and a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 09:17:02
Mr.Smith is an old man.He __1___ two big houses and a new car.He has no ___2___,but he has four __3___ - two sons and two daughters.One sons is ______ England.His name is Tom.The other son is from America.His name is Jack.One daughter is from China.___5____ name is FangFang.The other daughter is from Japan.Her name is Mikou.Mr Smith is not the four children's real __6____.but he loves them __7__.The children love him,__8__.Mr Smith buys many __9__ for the children.He gives __10__ toys to different children.The boys play with toy cars.The girls play with dolls and toy animals.Mr Smith and the children are good frends.
( ) 1.A.have B.has C.there is D.there are ( ) 2.A.wife B.father C.mother D.friend ( ) 3.A.sons B.daughters C.childs D.children ( ) 4.A.in B.at C.from D.on ( ) 5.A.His B.Her C.Their D.She ( ) 6.A.mother B.father C.uncle D.aunt ( ) 7.A.very much B.very C.much D.much very ( ) 8.A.very B.much C.two D.too ( ) 9.A.things nbsp; B.boys C.toys D.girls ( ) 10.A.different B.the same C.good D.ba
/>B  主语是he,应该用第三人称单数,如果是第一、三人称用have

A  根据上下文意思知道是没有妻子

D  根据two sons and two daughters知道是指孩子们

C  意思是“来自”

B  意为“她的”

B  Mr Smith 知道是指男的,所以是父亲

A “ 非常”

D  "too"也,用逗号隔开

C  根据后文知道是指很多玩具“toys”

A  根据后文知道男孩和女孩玩的不同的玩具,所以是“different”

再问: 2.-Wher_____(be)you born? -I _____(be)born in Beijing. -When _____(be)your birthday. -It_____(be)on the tenth of June.
再答:  Where__were___(be)you  born? 因为出生在过去的特定的一天,所以用过去式。  I __was___born in Beijing .同上理由。  When __is___your birthday?因为生日是每年都有的,应该是一般现在时。It___is__on the tenth of June.陈述生日的具体时间,可以用一般现在时。