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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 20:15:39
这篇文章讲的是一个6岁的小女孩叫朱莉亚,她的弟弟得了重病.X当她听到父母说只有奇迹才能救活弟弟麦克时,她拿上了她仅有的一块钱去超市买奇迹.最后,她的行为感动了一位医生.那位医生不但治好了麦克的病,还替他付了一切费用.当朱莉亚和她的父母见到了医疗费帐单时,他们发现帐单上只有一句话:一枚硬币 + 一颗小女孩的爱心 = 奇迹.
through the story of this little girl Julia,I saw the purity that inside people's heart.Trust and sympathy persevered among people and finally led to a real miracle.Julia,as a young girl still trusted the world,and she was so innocent that she believed that the miracle could be bought,when she paid all she had.While in return,the doctor took over this trust and did not betray it.He showed the great sympathy,and helped this poor family with his warm heart and professional skills.For me,I suppose this is a positive story which suggests the good side of humanity,and I am quite touched.