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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:38:56
老师发给我们1张纸,上面说...,我对此十分感兴趣,因为我不擅长美术,甚至连最简单的画都画不好.一开始,老师让我们看纸上的3幅图片,我想我属于第一种类型.接下来老师自然地引到了上个要讲的内容“Drawing On the right side of brain”.
第一步,老师让我们look at the pic ,然后分别说自己看到了什么,是杯子还是两个人图.接下来发给我们一张白纸,让我们试着copy它;然后询问我们平时用哪只手写字,用右手的同学都拿到了一张一个人头在左边的纸张,然后让我们用左眼看印上去的画,而右眼要看着右边临摹出一张对称人头的画.
The teacher gave each of us a piece of a paper, which said: " I'm very intersted in it. But I'm not good at art, and I'm not able to paint the simplest painting. " At first, the teacher let us look at the three pictures on the paper. I think I belong to the first kind. Then the teacher naturally introduced us to the contents " Drawing On the Right Side of Brain".
I think the purpose of our teacher was to let us students clearly feel our own brains, know the division of labour of the left and right side of brain and how to practice them. In the class I also knew.
The first step, the teacher told us to look at the picture, then asked us to say what we had seen. " Was it a cup or a picture of two persons? "The teacher asked.
Then the teacher gave us a blank piece of paper, asking us to copy it. Then she asked us which hand we usually use to write. The students who write with the right hands got a piece of paper on the left hand side of which there was a person's head. Then the teacher asked us to see the printed picture with our left eyes, while see the copied picture of symmetrical heads.
We have deeper knowledge of our brains through the class. I think it will be useful later.
英语翻译老师发给我们1张纸,上面说...,我对此十分感兴趣,因为我不擅长美术,甚至连最简单的画都画不好.一开始,老师让我 老师要求我们拿出最高的水平,给个800字的作文啊,恩.我最擅长比如说描写环境,不擅长记事 英语翻译1.我们的老师不仅对音乐感兴趣而且还对美术感兴趣2.我面带微笑的点头表示对他的建议的肯定(show)3.我们搜寻 就是我们的启蒙老师让我对英语极感兴趣 初三英语学的不好初三英语老师发给我们好几张都是选择题的卷子,我明明把老师教的语法掌握了 基础也不错 可是我差不多整张试卷 英语翻译翻译:1..我的梦想是成为一名工程师.2..我不擅长下棋.作文要求:给以前的张老师写信,以tom的身份.感谢老师 英语翻译关于昨天的事情我很抱歉,都是因为睡眠不好而影响了我的正常思绪,但也是因为昨天让我清楚的认识到我们之间的关系竟然连 如何让我上英语课提起精神因为老师讲课十分乏味,注意力也难集中 英语翻译 我对此不感兴趣,北京有许多名胜,这个男孩子对这本有趣的书感兴趣, 英语翻译我小时候曾经卖过报纸,那是因为老师要求我们多去参与社会实践.一开始我觉得卖报纸是件非常丢脸的事,我的自尊心不允许 刚上初中,美术老师说不了解我们,要我们画一幅环保主题的画,以此来了解我们,可是我不知道环保主题的画该画些什么,给我提提意 英语翻译我说下内容:我叫Carina,有爱我的爸爸和妈妈,我的爸爸是公务员,妈妈是一位老师,因为对服装非常感兴趣,所以还