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英语翻译In the beginning,Sanford Carter was ashamed of becoming

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 17:38:30
In the beginning,Sanford Carter was ashamed of becoming an army cook.This was not from snobbery,at least not from snobbery of the most direct sort.During the two and a half years Carter had been in the army he had come to hate cooks more and more.They existed for him as a symbol of all that was corrupt,overbearing,stupid,and privileged in army life .The image which came to mind was a fat cook with an enormous sandwich in one hand ,and a bottle of beer in the other,sweat pouring down a porcine face,foot on a flour barrel,shouting at the K.P.s 'Hurry up,you mean ,I ain't got all day'.More than once in those two and a half years,driven to exasperation,Carter had been on the verge of throwing his food into a cook's face as he passed on the serving line.His anger often derived from nothing:the set of a pair of fat lips,the casual heavy thump of the serving spoon into his plate,or the resentful conviction that the cook was not serving him enough.Since life in the army was in most aspects a marriage,this rage over apparently harmless details was not a sign of unbalance.Every soldier found some particular habit of the army spouse impossible to support.Yet Sanford Carter became a cook and,to elaborate the irony,did better as a cook than he had done as anything else.In a few months he rose from a private to a first cook with the rank of sergeant,Technician.After the fact,it was easy to understand.He had suffered through all his army carrer from an excess of eagerness.He had wanted to do well,and so he had often been tense at moments when he would better have been relaxed.He was very young,twenty-one,had lived the comparatively gentle life of a middle-class boy,and needed some success in the army to prove to himself that he was not completely worthless.