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英语翻译1.A new plan was brought forward to allow the employees

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:27:59
1.A new plan was brought forward to allow the employees in the company to share in the profits.
2.Her clear and elegant prose sets her apart from most other journalists.
3.Nowadays,the price of housing is rising too fast for us to keep up .
4.Can you work out what these coded messages mean?.
5.It’s nothing more than a crime to kick the little boy out of the classroom in such a cold weather.
一项新计划被提出 允许公司雇员分取公司利润(分红)
她清晰 简洁的文风 使她在同业记者中脱颖而出
如今 房价不断攀升 让人难以负担
在如此寒冷的冬天 把一个小男孩赶出教室 是比犯罪还令人不齿的行径