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继续求题!do your parents want you to become famous some day?If s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 19:18:15
继续求题!do your parents want you to become famous some day?If so,do you have the same idea
as them?Maybe you don‘t.In fact,many children don't wangt to be famous as their parents ecpect .
A piay called Hi,Ke'ai was onat beijing Children's Art Theatre a few months ago It tells the story of aboy named Ke'ai .His parents would like him to become an artist or a musician some day.They ask hime to learn to paint and play the violin,but Ke'it doesn't tnjoy these activities.Later,Ke'ai's parents see Sun Yang win a  gold medal at the Olympic Games ,and they want him to be an athlete in the future.
"Why do they want me to be someone else?"Ke'a'i's says,"I only want tobe myself I don't want to be famous.If I become famous,people will watch me and this can make my life difficult"
The play shnowsus that parents should learn to understand theeir children and think about what their kids wangt to do they shouldn't push their children too hard .Young audiences enjoy the piay very much.

From the passage,we know Ke'ai's parents want him to be the following EXCEPT()              A.an artist  B.a musician C.an athlete D.a scientist

Ke'ai wants to()  A.be himeself B.be famous C.play the violin  D.paint well

Ke'ai thinks that if he is famous,() A.his life will be difficult B.he will have more chances to helip others C.he'll make lots of money D.  more people will like his piays

The play tells us that parents should () A.often take their kids to see piays B.ask their kids to take part in all kinds of activities C.learn to understand their children D.let their kids take acting lessons

Which of the following is NOT true?A.Hi,Ke'ai is a play B.Ke'ais parents and Ke 'ai have the same dream C.Ke'ai doesn't enjoy the activiries that his parents ask him to take part in D.

Young people like watching Hi,Ke'ai very much.
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