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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 15:21:57
3.依我看,对他来说,游过这条河是不可能的(as far as)
4.他认为度假是时间和金钱的浪费(a waste of)
5.早晨起床晚是违背我的习惯的(go against)
7.以前这里有一家电影院,是不是?(used to)
8.她拼命干以便能到6点时把一切都准备好(so that)
9.每次我听这首音乐,就会想到我的老师(each time)
11.我们的老师和许多学生都被邀请去参加聚会了(as well as)
12.不要被那些声称一周内可以帮助你减肥的产品所欺骗(take in)
13.他似乎唯一关心的就是钱(care about)
17春节很快就到了(around the corner)
18.我正要给你留口信呢!(be about to)
19据说他奶奶已经八十多岁了,但身体很硬朗(in good health)
20.这儿人太多,他们不得不用最大的声音来维持秩序(at the top of)
21.我毫无遗憾地放弃了厨师这份工作(without regret)
23.那时他很难接受失业这个现实(come to terms with)
25.到现在为止,还没有什么问题(so far)
26.看书时,我总喜欢把词典放在伸手可以拿到的地方(within reach)
27.乘客不允许吸烟(be allowed to)
28.这些药品都没有在动物身上进行过实验(be tested on)
29.毫无疑问你无权告诉我该做什么不该做什么(there is no doubt that)
30.火车可以用来托汽车( be used to do)
31.我们应该为自由而战(fight for)
32.教授在给校长的信中说明了自己的观点(make sth.clear)
33.我买的相机和你的一样(the same ...as)
1.Is the effect good?
2.The land is too poor to grow nice crops.
3.As far as I konw,it is impossible for him to cross the river.
4.He considers vacation as a waste of time and money.
5.It goes against my habit to get up late inthe morning.
6.I find she has a lot in common with her mother.
7.There used to be a cinema ,isn't there?
8.She tried her best to work to get all ready before six.
9.I will think of my teacher each time I listen to the song.
10.Since you are not interested in the movie,I won't tell you.
11.Many of our teachers as well as our students are invited to attend the party.
12.Don't be taken in by the product that promise to help cut you weight in a week.
13.It seems the only thing he cares about is money.
14.There will be 18 people attending the party,including you and me.
15.It's not she but her sister who is talented in music.
16.She spends all her life in the helping poor.
17.Spring Festival is around the corner.
18.I am about to leave you a message.
19.It is said that his grandmother is more than 80 ,but she is still in good health.
20.There is too many people here,and they have to keep public order at the top of their voice.
21.I give up the cooking job without regret.
22.He has inspired many young people to take part in the sport.
23.It was difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that he had losing his job then.
24.He promise to pay his debt up in a week.
25.There is no problem so far
26.I always put the dictionary within reach when reading a book.
27.The passenger isn't allowed to smoke.
28.The medcines haven't been tesed on animals.
29.There is no doubt that you have no right to tell me what I should do or not.
30.The train can be used to sopport the cars.
31.We should fight for free.
32.The professor make his point clear in the letter to the headmaster.
33.The camera I bought is the same as yours.
34.The children charged down the building.
35.The knife isn't sharp enough to cut the meat.
36.a tear dropped along his cheek.
37.Make sure that there aren't cars before you cross the street.
38.This material conduct electric better than others.