作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 07:30:27
1例如:Take Hi is taking his book
1 Make She is making the bed.
2 Swim They are swimming acoss the river
3 Shine the sun is shining
4 Shva My father is shaving
5 Run They are Running across the park
6 Sit She is sitting in an armchair
7 Type we are typing letters
8 Put He is puting on his coat
9 Come I am coming
10 Give I am giving it to him
2 He is sitting in an armchair
question:is he sitting in an armchair?
question:where is he sitting?
negative:he isn't sitting an armchair.
1.He can come now
Q:can he come now?
Q:when is he come?
N:He isn't come now
2.He wants a new car
Q:does he wants a new car?
Q:what does he wants?
N:He isn't wants a new car
3.there is a newspaper on the desk
Q:is there a newspaper on the desk?
Q:what is it on the desk?
N:there isn't a newspaper on the desk
4.He is going to come now
Q:is he going to come now?
Q:when is he going to come?
N:he isn't going to come now
5.they like ice cream
Q:are they like ice cream?
Q:what are they like?
N:they aren't like ice cream
6.they must go home now
Q:are they must go home now?
Q:when are they must go home?
N:they musn't go home now
7.he has a headache
Q:is he has a headache?
Q:what is he has?
N:he isn't has a headache
8.he comes from Germany
Q:is he comes from Germany?
Q:where is he comes from?
N:he isn't comes from Germany
8.he feels ill.
Q:is he feels ill?
Q:how is he feels?
N:he isn't feels ill
10.he cleaned his shoes
Q:is he cleaned his shoes?
Q:when is he cleaned his shoes?
N:he isn't cleaned his shoes.
8 Put He is puting on his coat
negative:he isn't sitting an armchair.
He isn't sitting in an armchair.
Q:when is he come?
When can he come?
N:He isn't come now
He can't come now.如果你用isn't:He isn't coming now.
2.He wants a new car
Q:does he wants a new car?
Q:what does he wants?
N:He isn't wants a new car
改:Does he want a new car?
What does he want?
He doesn't want a new car.
N:he isn't going to come now
He isn't going to come.
Q:are they like ice cream?
Q:what are they like?
N:they aren't like ice cream
改:Do they like ice cream?
What do they like?
They don't like ice cream.
Q:are they must go home now?
Q:when are they must go home?
N:they musn't go home now
must变疑问句要变成have to
改:Do they have to go home now?
When do you have to go home?
They mustn't go home now./They don't have to go home now.
Q:is he has a headache?
Q:what is he has?
N:he isn't has a headache
改:Does he have a headache?
What does he have?
He doesn't have a headache.
Q:is he comes from Germany?
Q:where is he comes from?
N:he isn't comes from Germany
改:Does he come from
Where does he come from?
He does not come from G.
Q:is he feels ill?
Q:how is he feels?
N:he isn't feels ill
改:Does he feel ill?
How does he feel?
He doesn't feel ill.
Q:is he cleaned his shoes?
Q:when is he cleaned his shoes?
N:he isn't cleaned his shoes.
改:Did he clean his shoes?
When did he clean his shoes?
He didn't clean his shoes.