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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 12:22:21
到底谁应该对老年人负责?这是每个国家、每个社会必然面临的问题.请你就赡养老人这个话题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的认识.注意:1、题目已给出,不计入总词数2、词数在120左右3、参考词汇,被遗弃be forsaken Who Should Be Responsiele for Our Old People?由于手机只能献上二十分,但一经采纳,上网一定追加.不追加是畜生
Who Should Be Responsiele for Our Old People?
There are more and old people in the current society,therefore aroused some problems.As they are not able to work as young people but need more care,they are taken as a burden.Some old people are likely to be forsaken by their children for their sickness or uselessness.
This shouldn't have been a phenomenon in the society.The old contributed a lot to the world,without them,we can't live as comfortablely and happily as we live today.They supported the old and raised the young,they made the whole society grow.Now they become old ,and have no too much energy to work any more,some people start to regard them as their burden and are about to forsake them,which is totally ridiculous.The old should be carefully looked after and live happily during the rest life.
First,the family should take the most of the responsibility.The old raised them up and sent them to school.No one can deny the obligation.Second,the government should also be responsible for the old.The old made me society run well and develop.In return,when they lost their working ability,the society should help them,especially the childless ones.
Totally speaking,the government and the family should take care of the old for their contribution to both the sciety and family.