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中文句子翻英文 禁止翻译软体 英文高手请帮我翻 拜托了 >< 翻的好 加分喔!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 05:36:27
中文句子翻英文 禁止翻译软体 英文高手请帮我翻 拜托了 >< 翻的好 加分喔!
我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 ( 禁止使用翻译软体)
希望高手可以把我以下的句子翻通顺 文法要对
面对残忍的现实 ?
我们不得不面对时间是一个很残酷的东西,它可以让一对很恩爱的夫妻变的最后分手,它可以让一对感情深厚的母女变得淡淡的,它可以让孩子和父母变得像两个世界不同的人,中间隔着厚厚高高的墙,谁也走不出那堵墙,孩子们不愿过去,父母也不愿过来.因为时间的流逝 有些东西会隔著一个世代 有一道无形的墙 隔离在在上一代和下一代的家庭之间 亲情会随著时间而不见
因为科技 造成这一代父母跟儿女的代沟
Has time changed us or thinking changed us?
To face the cruel reality?
We have to face it that time is a very cruel thing.It can split up a happy couple who were very much in love,it can alienate mother and daughter who once were very close.It can make children and their parents feel like they are living in two different worlds with thick high wall in between which nobody can cross over.Neither the children nor the parents want to go to the other side.As time passes by,there are a lot of things which have generation gap.An invisible wall divides the old generation with the young generation.Family bond disappears with time.
With the advancement of time and technology,two generations have different view angle and different expression on a lot of ordinary things.Many new terms young people use nowadays are totally unknown to the old generation.
It is technology which brings the generation gap between parents and children in today's society.
It is technology which will drive people further away from each other.