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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 23:25:28
Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.When someone would ask him how he was doing,he would reply,"If I were any better,I'd be twins!" He was a natural motivator.出自这篇文章
If I were any better,I'd be
1 为什么不用to do 而to say
2文中有.he was there tell other how to look on ..positive .side of the situation ,看待,(为什么negetive不行,如何看待生活的不幸
文后结尾 .他去买鞋 he remembered something and took of his shoes ,the sales man asked him.what's the matter "sorry ,i ve left the shoe pattern at home问 what can we suppose from the article ,
A harry was not clever to buy shoes for himself
B harry wasn't confident enough at all
why do we go wrong about our friends sometimes what people say hides their meaning and if we don;t really listen we will miss the meaning behind ..
结尾 how can we tell the real meaning ,one way is to notice the person talking ,do his words fit the way he looks ,his tone of voice .
问acoording to the author ,why do we go wrong about our friends
A people usually express one thing bu mean another
B we fail to listen carefully when we talk 我认为都行答案B ,但 A 也没错 我们因为没仔细听才不能理解的.我从结尾出看出,不是说注意他讲话么?
C 有道阅读广告 hot movies in kunming hongxin theater
图,然后一部电影 写着 ( july 22 (america ) / september 9 9 (china) 问我们什么时候能最早能在KUNMING THEATER看到这部电影 为什么july 22不可不行还写到干嘛呢?美国上映?这样?
1will susan come to our party ,i am not sure ,,her parents don;;t allow her to go A UNLESS B BECAUSE 我是这样理解的,我不太确定,因为她父母不同意,所以我不知道她是否还会来.若除非.觉得好牵强(http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/429023756.html?quesup2&oldq=1) 这里看我的评论
2nick would you mind not wearing these cloth
.i ''ll put on another A sorry B certainly not 选A 解析.
3hi do you see my book IT ,on the sofa ,i saw it just now A MUST BE B MAY BE ( 说话难道就不可说 可能在沙发上吧,我刚才看到你的书在那)
4feel like winners 为什么不可说feel as winner 不都一样有象的意思》?
cry 和yell 有什么区别?
do with 和deal with
i couldn't shake the feeling that she will really appreciate a little attention to her birthday
5.why do we go wrong about our friends.为什么我们对朋友的理解是有误的,文章大意是说朋友表达的时候是这个意思,但是真正的意思是另外一个,问题的答案是主要是朋友的错还是我们的错?是因为朋友表达的不对还是我们自己理解的错误?求思考.
7.你的理解正确,但是如果是unless的话,应该是allow而不是do not allow.
8certainly not指的是介意,他问的问题是你介意不要怎么怎么样,而你回答是不介意而不是介意.
9.must be对的,我刚看到过它了,它肯定就在沙发上呢.
12.what to do with and how to deal with.