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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 17:36:57
他有一部分印地安血统,although he is forty six 他仍被称作是“同时代最具才华的天才演员” ,拥有好莱坞最酷最百变的一张脸,世界上最美最酷最性感的男人之一.it just about the Chinese slang‘man in forties is like a flower'.
I will simply introduce TWO of his most famous films.
加勒比海盗无疑是使他闻名全球的电影,他演的JACK船长画着浓浓的烟熏装,做奇怪的动作,诙谐帅气的船长的形象甚至比年轻的第二男主角威廉更受欢迎.喜欢看冒险片的人一定要看,especially boys.it can also improve your English Pronunciation
"Edward Scissorhands" is a very touching movie.everytime i watch this film,i will cry for Edward's pure and kind.将这部歌特式的电影与加勒比海盗对比,你将完全看不出主演是同一个人.这正证明了johnny 百变的精湛演技.
我羡慕johnny 的自由和才华.he can do anything he wants.他获得过三次奥斯卡最佳男主角的提名,他在任何电影里都表演出色,迷倒了许多WOMEN .他愿意收敛自己的才华做一个好爸爸.一切都使我那么崇拜他.
He has a part of Indian descent,although he is forty six he is still called "the most talented contemporary genius actor",with Hollywood's coolest one of the most amazing face,the world's most beautiful sexiest coolest One man.it just about the Chinese slang'man in forties is like a flower '.
I will simply introduce two of his most famous films.
Pirates of the Caribbean is no doubt made him world famous film,he played the captain of JACK installed painted thick smoke,making strange movements,witty handsome captain's image even more than younger,second more popular actor William.Like to watch adventure films are sure to see,especially boys.It can also improve your English Pronunciation.
"Edward Scissorhands" is a very touching movie.Everytime i watch this film,i will cry for Edward's pure and kind.Will this Gothicstyle films and Pirates of the Caribbean comparison,you will completely fail to see starring the same person.This clearly illustrates the johnny amazing superb acting.
Johnny I envy the freedom and talent.he can do anything he wants.He won three best actor Oscar nomination,his performances in any film is good,captured the hearts of many women...Convergence of his talents he is willing to make a good father.Everything made me so worship him.
英语翻译是我自己写的,自己已翻译了一部分,剩下的其实没几句话.顺便帮我检查下语法错误.请尽心.我会再加分.他有一部分印地 英语翻译以下是我想大家帮我翻译的.我已经翻译了一部分,自己继续努力中……望高手指点一二.好的我后面再加分!1.生气是拿别 英语翻译"做回自己"帮我翻译下能不能是第一人称的前面再加个Just有什么区别呢 英语翻译以下酒店我自己试着翻译了四星的前两个.请帮忙检查下并翻译剩下的.三星酒店Clarion Hotel West C 英语翻译如果我得到了一万快钱,我会拿一部分放好,剩下的拿来买自己想吃的食物,买自己喜欢的东西,还要去各处旅游. 英语翻译帮我看看下面这段我自己翻译的有没语法错误,及文意表达正确与否?单词有好多都忘了,可能有错,主要是全文的意思!We 在括号里填上恰当的词语,我自己填了一部分,还有一部分实在想不出. 可以帮我评价下 我自己写的这首诗么 顺便帮我起个名字 下面的6句英文,帮我检查下有语法错误没, 英语翻译我自己翻译了几篇作文,但是我不知道我自己翻译的对不对,请老师帮我改一下?A Campaign SpeechGoo 英语翻译袄.最近朋友开了家咖啡店,菜单请我翻译.有一部分很奇怪的东西,自己都不知道怎么翻译.请各位英语达人支招救命哦.1 英语翻译请帮我把 “我会一直爱你到永远、永远!” 这句话翻译一下~我自己的是:I will love you all t