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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 23:29:46
大自然在人类面前呈现出五彩斑斓的世界.每种语言都有许多颜色词构成的核心词汇.但是不同语言存在着不同数量的颜色词.中国古代学者认为:水生木,色青,代表东方; 木生火,色赤,代表南方; 火生土,色黄,代表中央;土生金,色白,代表西方; 金生水,色黑,代表北方.中国古代所说的正色(青、赤、黄、白、黑)和间色(绿、红、碧、紫、骝黄) 基本上包括了现代光学对颜色的分类.国际奥林匹克会旗有六种颜色组成,底色为白色,象征着纯洁的友谊和公平的竞争; 旗子的中央有五色环链结而成,颜色分别为蓝、黄、黑、绿和红排列.蓝色代表欧洲、黄色代表亚洲、黑色代表非洲、绿色代表大洋洲、红色代表美洲.[ 1 ]Berlin & Kay (1969) 对多种语言中颜色词的研究证明认知人类学对原型理论的发展给认知语言学产生了重要影响.[2 ] 认知科学所强调的是人类认知的共性.在英语习得及运用过程中,我们看到母语和英语中颜色词的使用存在相同之处,同时我们更要注意差别之处.由于颜色词的长期使用,除其字面意思外,人们还赋予了它们更丰富的文化内涵.在颜色词的应用上,英语与汉语有很多相似之处,但是由于在两种不同的文化中,人们有着不同的思维方式,不同民族具有不同的生活环境、文化心理、审美情趣,因此人们对于颜色词的使用也有着很大的差别.汉英颜色词的象征意义不同,与一个民族的历史文化背景有关.民族不同,人们对于相同的颜色的理解与诠释也不同.在不同的文化中,颜色词表达的含义不同.由于英语和汉语分属两种不同的语言系,因此两种语言中相同的颜色词表达的含义不尽相同,既有相同点也有不同点.受语言文化特色的影响,人们对各种颜色产生了不同的联想,结果导致英汉两种语言中不同颜色词蕴含着不同的意义.许多颜色词由于心理原因、历史背景、传统习俗、语言的习惯表达等不同而含义差别很大.对于相同的颜色词,汉英两种语言在理解和使用上也存在较大差异.因此,了解和研究两者之间的这种差异非常必要,它有助于人们提升跨文化交流,在翻译实践中做得更好.胡文仲认为,“必须把语言知识和文化知识结合起来才能顺利地进行交际”.
不同的文化之间会呈现不同的文化形态,这种文化形态的差异反映到语言层面上,则表现为语言差异.正因如此,产生于社会文化中的颜色词,由于其生成土壤的不同,其所涵盖的信息和赋予的意义也不一样.美国著名语言学家伦纳德·布隆菲尔德(Leonard Bloomfield) 说过:“外语中的任何一个词或句子的意思总是有别于本族语中一个近似的、相应的词或句子.”正是这种不对等易使我们对不同语言的运用产生偏差.在跨文化交流中,颜色词作为一种符号系统在汉英两种语言里具有不同的用途及文化价值、文化意蕴.我们应该在语言的运用中注意语言不对等现象.
Nature in the human face showing a colorful world.Each language has many color words as the core vocabulary.However,there are different languages,different numbers of color words.Ancient Chinese scholars believe that:aquatic wood,color blue,on behalf of the East; wood fire,Sechi,on behalf of the South; fire,adobe,yellow,representing the Central; native gold,color white,representing the West; gold raw water,the color black,on behalf of the North .Stern said in ancient China (green,red,yellow,white,black) and secondary colors (green,red,bi,purple,yellow monkeys) essentially covers the classification of the color of modern optics.International Olympic flag has six colors of the,background is white,symbolizing purity of friendship and fair competition; flags are colored ring link from the central color were blue,yellow,black,green and red order.Blue for Europe,yellow for Asia,on behalf of the African black,green Oceania,red for the Americas.[1] Berlin & Kay (1969) on the study of color words in multiple languages proves the theory of cognitive anthropology to the development of a prototype had an important impact of cognitive linguistics.[2],cognitive science,emphasized the common human perception.Acquisition and use of English,we see the color of the mother tongue and English words in common use there,and we have to pay attention to differences between.Because long-term use of color words,in addition to its literal meaning,but was also given them more rich cultural connotations.Application of color words in English and Chinese have many similarities,but because of two different cultures,people have different ways of thinking,different nationalities have different living environment,cultural psychology,aesthetic taste,so people for use of color terms also have a great difference.English different symbolic meaning of color words,and a nation's historical and cultural background.National differences,people of color for the same understanding and interpretation are also different.In different cultures,the meaning of the expression of the different color words.As English and Chinese languages belong to two different systems,the two languages express the same meaning of color words different,both have different points the same point.By language and cultural characteristics of people of various colors have a different association,resulting in different colors in both English and Chinese word contains a different meaning.Many color terms due to psychological reasons,historical background,traditions and customs,language,idiomatic expressions,etc.vary widely different meanings.For the same color word in English to understand and use two languages,there are also quite different.Therefore,to understand and study the differences between the two is necessary,it helps people to improve cross-cultural communication,better practice in the translation.Hu Wenzhong that "must be the language and cultural knowledge can be successfully combined to communicate."
Between different cultures will show different cultural forms,such differences in cultural patterns reflected in the language level,the performance of the language difference.Because of this,resulting in the social culture of the color word,because of its different soil formation,cover the information and give it meaning not the same.American linguist Leonard Bloomfield (Leonard Bloomfield) said:"Foreign Language in any meaning of a word or sentence is always an approximation different from the native language,the corresponding word or sentence." It is this not so easy to make use of our bias in different languages.In cross-cultural communication,the color word as a symbol system in both Chinese and English languages have different uses and cultural values,cultural implications.We should pay attention to language use of language in the right and so on.