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英语翻译it's not my cup of tea.i wouldn't do it for all the tea

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 17:09:55
it's not my cup of tea.
i wouldn't do it for all the tea in china.
it's as good as a chocolate teapot.
it's black and white.
as white as a sheet.
a white-knuckle ride.
it's a hot potato.
a carrot and stick.
like two peas in a pod.
1 它非我所爱
2 不管怎样/不论在任何情况下我都不干.
for all the tea in china 表示【不管怎样;不论在任何情况下】
3 它是一个华而不实/无用的东西.
4 白纸黑字/见诸文字
5 面色苍白,面无血色
6 一次令人胆战心惊的骑游
7 它是个难题/棘手的问题.
8 软硬兼施(胡萝卜加大棒)
9 一模一样