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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 01:30:59
大家都知道 在公共场合大声喧哗是很不礼貌的行为,更为让人讨厌的是不懂得谦虚,一个女生大叫自己是美女.上一个星期六我和弟弟出去,就尝试了一下这样做会引起什么后果,大家的反映会是怎么样的.当我和弟弟在延安路的一个天桥上走着的时候,我突然大喊:“我是美女.”结果很多行人在我喊完,纷纷转过头来看我,还以为我是疯子呢.而我的弟弟,他也这么觉得,我是在他不知情的情况下这么做,看着我正常地朝他笑,他竟然觉得是不是自己产生错觉了.违反社会正常的行为确实是会引起大家的反感和不满的.这是我通过这一行为得到的启示.
As we all know, it is unpolite to clamour in the public, and it's more wicked that a girl don't know one should be modest and shouted " I am a beauty!". last Saturday I go out with my brother,and tried, we want to know how will people react about this behavier. as we go by on a bridge, suddenly I shouted" I am a beauty!". lot of people turn around to look at me as look at a insane people. and my brother, I think he thought so as he dn't know i will do this. I smile at him, and the he thought he just made an illusion.
Violation of normal social behavior is arousing resentment and discontent. This is what I get through this act of inspiration.