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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 01:29:13
大地震时不要急 .破坏性地震从人感觉震动到建筑物被破坏平均只有12秒钟,在这段时间内千万不要惊慌,应根据所处环境迅速做出理智抉择.
人多先找藏身处 . 学校、商店、影剧院等人群聚集的场所如遇到地震,不要慌乱,应立即躲在课桌、椅子或坚固物品下面,待地震过后再有序地撤离.
远离危险区. 如在街道上遇到地震,应用手护住头部,迅速远离楼房跑到空地.如在郊外遇到地震,要注意远离山崖、陡坡、河岸及高压线.正在行驶的汽车和火车要停车.
被埋要保存体力 . 如果震后不幸被废墟埋压,要尽量保持冷静,设法自救.无法脱险时,要保存体力,尽力寻找水和食物,创造生存条件,耐心等待救援.
Do not worry when a major earthquake. People feel from the devastating earthquake shook the buildings were destroyed, only an average of 12 seconds, during this period of time should not be alarmed, should be based on their environment and make rational choices quickly.
Many people first find out where the hideout. School, shops, theaters and other crowded places such as an earthquake, do not panic, they should hide behind desks, chairs or solid items below until after the earthquake have been evacuated in an orderly manner.
Away from the danger zone. Such as encountered in the streets of the earthquake, the application hands护住head, quickly ran to the open space away from buildings. Such as encountered in the outskirts of the earthquake, we should pay attention away from the cliff, steep slopes, riparian and high-tension line. Are in vehicles and trains to stop.
Buried to preserve the physical. If, unfortunately, were the ruins after the earthquake buried pressure, it is necessary to try to stay calm and try to save themselves. Can not escape, it is necessary to preserve their strength and make every effort to find water and food, and create conditions for survival, patience wait for rescue.
Earthquake protection. Shock absorbers to protect the head, neck, eyes, mouth, nose and other key parts of the body. Escape to bow his head and hands护住, it is possible, the available side items such as bags, blankets and so on top of his head; to prevent lime-soil, gas and other invasive mouth and nose, cover your mouth and nose can be used wet towels.
How to read an earthquake save method, whether or not an earthquake you how to save themselves with a deeper understanding of it! Whether you come to when the earthquake took