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问几个问题:fill in the bianks with [one],[another],[the third],[o

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 15:29:46
问几个问题:fill in the bianks with [one],[another],[the third],[others],[the other],[the others]
1.there are two students in the classroom._____is Kate,________is Lilly.
2.there are three students in the classroom._____is Chinese,______is Janpanses,and______is English.
3.there are many people in the park.some are taking a walk,_______are playing ball games
4.Some students in Mrs Winter's class said that Mra Winter was wrong,but_______didin't agree.
5.Some people enjoy team sports,______prefer individual sports.
6.the man is a heavy smokes_______cigarette after_______
7.There are ten computer room.There are made in Japen and_________are made in China.
8.I can lend my bike to you,but please don't lend it to______.
9.We love ourselves,and we love______people.
10.You are showing me one of your hands,please show me______.
11.If you don't do it,we can easily get________girl to do it.
12.After I take two of them,you may take all_________.
13.We must try to help_______.
1.one,the other这适用于于两者.
2.one,another,the third.another使用三者以上
4. others.泛指
5. others.泛指
6.one,another.one after another是固定词组
7.the others.有范围
10.the other.两者
12.the others.有范围