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Power distance in Argentina

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 00:11:29
Power distance in Argentina
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in 1978 and 1986. Sports such as trekking, skiing and water sports are also popular. Elite sports including rugby and polo reflect influences from the immigrant societies. The Andes Mountains serve as a popular place for Argentines to enjoy Andinismo, which means hiking, mountain-climbing, cross-country skiing and talking wilderness walks.
Argentina surprisingly has very few festivals and fiestas. Most public holidays reflect the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar. Things in Argentina come to a halt during the Christmas to New Year and Easter periods.
Argentina’s cuisine is dominated by meat, or “beef”. Many places serve mixed grills (parrillada), which is a mixture or all the different parts of an animal. Argentine ice cream (helado) is known as a favorite and reflects Italian influences. Many Argentines share “mate”, Paraguayan Tea, as a traditional ritual beverage. The tea leaves, similar to holly leaves, are ornately prepared and served from a shared gourd. When mate is served it is a special expression of acceptance.
According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, Argentina shows similar cultural characteristics as other Latin American countries. Uncertainty avoidance ranks the highest which indicates a low level tolerance for uncertainty, a society that does not readily accepts change and is risk adverse as well as where there is a high concern for rules, regulations, controls, and issues with career security. Other indicators are: high power distance index reflecting presence of inequality of power and health within society and deference to authority figures, low individualism which expresses the collectivistic nature of society with close tights between individuals, and high masculinity pointing out a high degree of gender differentiation