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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 21:37:39
急求2011 2月13日~2月19日的详细英语笔记
1.24 It is really neat!太棒了!Blow me away.我佩服.
1.25 come along for the ride凑热闹 must必不可少
1.26 seeped in a tradition传统的文化民俗活动
1.27 Fortune will smile on me.好运当头.
1.28 in the air流行的 bountiful丰富充裕的
1.29 There is no word.无法形容special secret独家秘方
1.31 Happy Year of the Rabbit.兔年吉祥
We are going to have a field day.这下有玩的了
2.1 That's awesome.太棒了,太给力了
We will see that it is done.这下我知道该怎么做了
Best Wishes to you.祝您万事如意lobster龙虾
2.9 bring down the house博得满堂喝彩
2.10 vegetarian diet素食
You have it over me.你比我强mandarin duck鸳鸯
egg white蛋清It just hit me.灵感来了
2.11 I would give my right arm to know about it.我要是知道该多好啊
I am up to my ears.我饱了
2.12 cold feet退缩ice cream hop-pop冰激凌火锅under your nose就在你鼻子底下(就在眼皮底下
2.13 cut no ice with sb对某人没有什么影响 ice sculpture冰雕
could you be our master你愿意收我们为徒弟吗?safety is paramount.安全第一
ice lamp冰灯 cold feet临场退缩 big shot大腕儿 ice and snow festival冰雪节
2.14 he is full of beans他浑身充满了力气 If you want to reap the harvest,you have to sow the seeds.一分耕耘一分收获
2.15 we can't sit on our hand我们不能袖手旁观.give it a shot.they are perfect match.他们是最佳组合.
2.16 have a ball 玩得快乐 have a ball,help yourself祝你玩得开心
2.17 Let’s dig in开始干吧 It hit the spot正合我意 I’d better dig in at once.我应该马上干活了.It hit my spot.正中我下怀 Is it home-made?是在家做的吗?
2.18 Bring it on.来吧 lyrics歌词