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英语演讲稿希望 可以有一个 与结尾感谢的衔接以及一段怎样培养自信的话.最好有中英翻译哦

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:01:39
希望 可以有一个 与结尾感谢的衔接以及一段怎样培养自信的话.最好有中英翻译哦
Self-confidence is the sun,is the rain,is Qiongjiang,to help others quick-witted,full of energy,bring creativity into everything.Self-confidence so that the potential release,so difficult to retreat,the target approximation; self-confidence in life is not a general,non-self-confidence in life in general.
Difficulties in numerous setbacks in life,life is a stumbling block on the road,stopped more than once in our way forward.In the difficulties you face,what would you?
Edison failed 2000 times,but he has persisted,because he self-confidence.Rodin thinking very hard,bold innovation,although the authorities in Paris have been rejected,but he has always insisted his views because he self-confidence.Ancient Greek orator Demosthenes,in order to rule their own stuttering,constantly practicing,as he confidently ......a variety of examples can be seen that each of the great successful people is hidden behind the self-confidence.
However,in our study,many people do not self-confidence.Class to answer questions incorrectly on the day in despair,work is not satisfactory to feel that they are frogs in a well.In fact,otherwise the capacity of each person,like the one to be developed in Jinshan.In the face of difficulties,we must always remind yourself "I can do it!"
Remember that self-confidence is the cornerstone of our success,I believe that by itself can be a bold attempt to challenge.Thomas Edison once said:"No failure,only one point away from the more recent success." Is not easy to bow their heads in frustration,usually find themselves more progress.Dare to perfect ourselves.
Friends,I believe that you have for your future,set a great ideal.For your freedom of the sky,painted a brilliant,beautiful,colorful rainbow.Believe in yourself and in learning.Life,will be able to overcome difficulties,will be able to see the rainbow after the rain.I wish you success,like we are all winners!自信是阳光,是雨露,是琼浆,助人思维敏捷,精神抖擞,挥洒一切.自信使潜能释放,使困难后退,使目标逼近;自信的人生不一般,不一般的人生有自信.  生活中的挫折困难数不胜数,人生道路上的绊脚石,不止一次拦住了我们前进的道路.在你面对困难时,你会怎么样?  爱迪生失败了2000多次,但他一直坚持着,因为他自信.罗丹苦苦思索,大胆创新,虽遭到了巴黎当局的拒绝,但他一直坚持自己的意见,因为他自信.古希腊的雄辩家德摩斯梯尼,为了治自己的口吃,时时刻刻练习着,因为他自信……各种事例可以看出每个伟大的成功人士背后藏着的是自信.  可是在我们的学习中很多人却不自信.上课回答问题不正确就整天垂头丧气,作业不理想就觉得自己是井底之蛙.其实,不然每个人的能力,像一座待开发的金山.在困难面前,要时刻提醒自己“我能行!”  记住自信是成功的基石,相信自己行,才能大胆尝试,接受挑战.爱迪生曾说:“没有失败,只有离成功更近一点.”在挫折中不轻易低头,平时多发现自己的进步.敢于完善,超越自我.  朋友,相信你已经为你的未来,定下了伟大的理想.为你自由的天空,画下了灿烂,美丽,七彩的彩虹.相信自己,在学习.生活中,定能克服困难,定能见到风雨后的彩虹.愿我们都是成功者!