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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 04:07:01
绿色,也是橄榄枝的颜色.绿色的橄榄啊,我们期望着,在2008年的北京,那震耳欲聋的,只是万人的喝彩而不再有枪炮的轰鸣,我们期望着,那流淌在脸颊的,只是胜利的泪水而不再含有失去亲人的心痛,我们期望着,在那五环旗下,大家都亲密无间的坐在一起,不会再有那些分裂的噪声.2782年前的奥林匹亚,风光秀美,1900年的巴黎,依旧浪漫,而在不久的将来.在2008的北京时间,汇聚着无数人的期待,让我们一起奉献我们的力量吧.为了那绿色的北京,为了那绿色的奥运,我们期盼着2008,绿色的2008,这绿色不仅仅代表着一场赛事,这绿色,这绿色,更是欠中华民族的象征,我深切 的期望,我衷心的祝愿,希望我们的祖国,她同这绿色运动一样,茁壮着,成长着,复兴着,让我们一起祝福北京,祝福2008年北京奥运会吧.
Green,also is the olive branch color.The green Chinese olive,we was expecting,in 2008 Beijing,that deafening,but only is ten thousand people cheers no longer has gun artillery thundering,we were expecting but,that flow in the cheeks,only is the victory tears no longer includes loses family member's heart pain,we were expecting,under that olympic flag,everybody all intimate seat in the same place,cannot again have these fission noise.2782 ago Olympia,the scenery is elegant,1900 Paris,as before romantic,but in the near future.In 2008 Beijing standard time,is gathering the innumerable person's anticipation,lets us offer our strength together.