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英国人保守的原因 请用英文介绍

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 20:48:47
英国人保守的原因 请用英文介绍
1. 大部分英国人具有与他人格格不入的孤傲特质.孤傲是英国人最明显的性格特徵,他们不愿意和别人多说话,从来不谈论自己,感情不外露,更不会喜形於色.其他国家的人很难了解英国人的内心世界.英国人为什麼具有孤傲的性格特徵呢?原因有二.第一,英国是一个岛国,英吉利海峡 割断了它和外部世界的联系,英国人甚至不把自己看作是欧洲人.第二,英国人对本民族的历史感到非常骄傲和自豪.其中,詹姆斯钦定本圣经 和莎士比亚的戏剧对西方及世界文化产生了巨大的影响.英国议会是欧洲最古老的议会,英国是世界上第一个完成工业革命的国家.特殊的地理位置和与众不同的祖国文明史使得英国人形成了现在的性格特点.
2. 大部分英国人有守旧而又不愿接受新生事物的保守思想.英国人的保守为世人所知,英国人却认为他们的做事方式是最好的,最合理的.有人说,英国人需要20至40年的时间才能接受美国目前的新生事物,此话虽然有一点夸张,但也不无道理.英国人直到现在也没有采用世界通用的米制,仍然使用英里,直到1971年才将货币单位改为十进制.英国是世界上为数较少的保持君主制的国家之一,其保守性可见一斑.当美国人发明中央空调的时候,英国人以对身体有害为由拒绝接受这种新生事物,继续使用壁炉和电炉.
3. 大部分英国人具有讲究文明用语和礼貌的好习惯.英国人总是为别人著想,他们不会要求别人做不愿意做的事情.如果他们不得不要求别人做什麼事的时候,说得非常客气,诸如: "I know the trouble I am causing you, but would you mind.? " 或 "I don't really like to ask you, but."等等.在日常生活中,如果要麻烦别人,通常说excuse me,如果无意识地干扰了别人,要说sorry.要求别人重复,一般不说what,而是说pardon或sorry.please和thank you是经常挂在嘴边的用语.在公共场所人们不会大声喊叫,他们认为那是不文明的行为.
4. 酷爱独居和个人自由的天性.也许是由於缺乏空间的缘故,英国人喜欢独居和个人自由.在英国,人们恪守著这样一句名言:My home is my castle. The wind can come in, but the Kings and Queens and human beings can never come in without my permission.当英国人搬到新家,他会在自己的房屋周围树起篱笆,以便和邻居隔开.
5. 大部分英国人具有感情不外露的冷淡和缄默性格.英国人一般不会向别人展示自己的内心世界,当他们高兴时不会喜形於色,当他们悲伤时也不会愁容满面,这一特点在上层社会中非常明显.在早晨上班乘坐的地铁中人们彼此不说话,只是在看自己的报纸,车内鸦雀无声,偶尔能听到下车的人因为不小心踩到别人脚时说sorry的声音.下车后,人们只是走各自的路,彼此不会交谈.另外,即使在一起工作多年的同事也不知道对方的家庭住址、家庭成员、兴趣爱好等情况,因为他们从不谈论这些事情.
6. 大部分英国人具有自我嘲笑的幽默.英国人很幽默,不过都是一些自我嘲弄的幽默.他们喜欢嘲笑自己的错误、自己的缺点、自己的尴尬境地等.英国人的这种生活态度是多年来形成的,对别人并没有什麼恶意 The arrogant British character
Because of geography, history, culture and other reasons, the various nationalities in the world, different from the other ethnic character. Britain is no exception, after several years of social change, they formed their own unique way of thinking and behavior, with people of other countries with different quality and characteristics. Sum up, there are the following character traits:
1. Most of the British and others out of tune with Uncompromising character. Equivocal character of the British the most obvious features, they do not want to speak more than others, and never talk about themselves, feelings are not exposed, but not glowing terms. Other countries is very difficult to understand the inner world of the British. Why do the British have a proud and aloof personality characteristics? Reasons. First, Britain is an island, cut off the English Channel it and the outside world, the British did not even see themselves as Europeans. Second, the British history of this nation are very proud of. Among them, Zhanmusiqin final version of the Bible and Shakespeare's plays on the Western and world culture had a tremendous impact. British Council is Europe's oldest parliament, the United Kingdom is the world's first country to complete the Industrial Revolution. Special geographical location and unique history of civilization makes the country the British created the current character.
2. The majority of British people are unwilling to accept new things but old-fashioned conservative ideology. British Conservative known around the world, the British view their way of doing things is the best and most reasonable. Some say the British need 20 to 40 years to accept the United States is a new thing, though a bit exaggerated remark, but not unreasonable. Britain has so far no common metric used in the world still use miles, until 1971 will be changed to decimal currency. Britain is a relatively small number of the world, one of the countries to maintain the monarchy and its conservative evident. When the invention of central air conditioning when the Americans, the British refused to be harmful to accept new things, continue to use the fireplace and electric stove.
3. The majority of British people have the attention to language and civilization, courtesy of good practice. Englishman always considerate of others, they will not require people to do not want to do. If they have to ask others to do anything when it very kind, such as: "I know the trouble I am causing you, but would you mind...?" Or "I don't really like to ask you, but... "and so on. In daily life, if you want to trouble others, the commonly used excuse me, if unintentionally interfere with someone else, to say sorry. Ask others to repeat, the general did not say what, but that pardon or sorry. please and thank you is the catch-phrase. In public places people will not yell, they think it is uncivilized.
4. Love of nature alone, and individual freedom. May be due to lack of space reasons, the British like to live alone and individual freedom. In the UK, people adhere to the well-known saying: My home is my castle. The wind can come in, but the Kings and Queens and human beings can never come in without my permission. When the British moved to a new home, he erected the fence around his house in order and separated by a neighbor.
5. The majority of British people have feelings of indifference and silence are not exposed character. British generally do not show to others their own inner world, when they pleased will not glowing terms, not when they are sad sad looking, this characteristic is very obvious in the upper society. Take the subway to work in the morning in the people do not speak to each other, just want to see their own newspaper, the car silent, occasionally hear people get off because someone accidentally stepped on the sound foot, said sorry. Get off, people just go their own way, will not talk to each other. In addition, for many years even with colleagues did not know each other's home address, family members, hobbies, etc., because they never talk about these things.
6. Most of the British self-mocking humor. British good sense of humor, but are all self-mocking humor. They like to laugh at his mistakes, their weaknesses, their own embarrassment and so on. This British attitude is formed over the years, there is nothing malicious to others