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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 13:53:29
老师: 您好! 我是一名初三的学生,我英语的单项选择和用词汇填空,同义句转化做的不是很好老失分。请问有什么办法可以提高吗?
解题思路: 如下
1. 直接法
——Hello, come in, __________ .
——Thank you.(2004年重庆)
A. all right B. make yourself at home
C. that’s your home D. it’s a great pleasure
简析 该题考察实际技能,通过语境选出答案B表示“不必拘束”。

______ Man in black is from ______ England.

A. The, / B. The, the C. A, the D. A, /
简析 该题考察冠词的用法,1.特指“穿黑衣服的人”用定冠词the. 2.国家名称是专有名词
  2. 代入法
——What’s your sister like?
——__________ .
A. She is a worker B. She likes pears
C. She is very thin D. She is like her father
简析 题目设计者为了增加题目难度,企图把同学们引入误区。做此类题可就4个答案分别提
问后,选出最佳答案,A的提问What’s your sister? B的提问What does your sister like?
C的提问What’s your sister like? D的提问Who’s your sister like?
——__________ did you like the trip to Hainan?
——It was wonderful.(2003年山西)
A. When B. How C. Where D. What
简析 答案B可以就wonderful提问。
  3. 类推法
——How about the young lady?
——It’s hard to say, but her voice __________ beautiful.(2004年重庆)
A. sings B. hears

C. listens D. sounds
简析 题目的答案B、C、D意义相近,不可能三个入选。再者,答案A、B、C是行为动词。词性
  4. 补全法
——If you have any trouble, be sure to call me.
—— __________ .(2004年重庆)
A. I am glad to hear that

B. I will. Thank you very much
C. I have no trouble

D. I will think it over
简析 If 引出的从句用一般现在时,主句可用将来时态,答案B、D都是将来时,答案D是一个
完整的句子。意思不符合上文,答案B补全为I will (call you, if I have some trouble)
  5. 排除法
——Do you still remember _______ me somewhere in Shanghai?
——Yes, of course. Two years ago。

 A. to see B. was C. seeing D. saw
简析 先排除答案B、D,剩余的答案是短语remember to see和remember seeing。前者是
“记住要见”后者是“记得见过”。根据Two years ago。答案应是C“记得在上海某处见过”。
  6. 换位法
He is poor. He has no house _____.
A. to live B. living

C. live in D. to live in
简析 该题我们可以找出短语have sth to do. 根据这条短语,可以选出A、D,然后我们把
空格移动在house之前, _______ house,就应用 to live in house,而不是 to live

____ he said at the meeting made us happy.
A. What B. That

C. Why D. Where
简析 试着把空格移到he said _____,看看题目是否容易呢?答案为A。
There isn’t __________ water here.

Could you get __________ for me?
A. some, some B. any, any

C. some, any D. any, some
简析 若从any用于疑问句与否定句这一语法规则考虑,就会进入误区,选出B。然而,在希望
——Did you have anyone _________ the trees?
——Yes, I had the trees ________ .

   A. to water. water

B. to water, watered
C. water, to be watered

D. water, watered
简析 该题的第一空格,是短语have sb. do sth ,选出答案C、D;第二空格的短语可组成
have sth. to do或have sth. done ,前者sth与to do的关系是动宾关系,后者sth与done的
He wants __________ an actor.
A. to do B. to be C. be D. is
简析 按照很熟悉的短语want to do sth有可能会毫不犹豫地选择A,也可能很熟悉he is
an actor去选择D,而此题是要我们理解want to do sth中的to do是表示用动词is的原形,应

同义句 转换题近几年被全国各地中考英语试题广泛采用,为必考题型之一。它属于句型转换题,但要求不能改变句子意思,即依据给出的句子,通过以词、词组、句式、语法的改变及换句来改写句子,且转换前后的句意应保持一致。从某种意义上讲,同义句也就是一句多译。日常学习过程中,必须加强一句多译的总结训练,注重转换的思路和方法,提高同义句转换的能力。下面就总结归纳一下同义句转换的十二种类型:
He is good at drawing./He does well in drawing.
There is a strong wind today./It's very windy today.
Tomorrow we will go to Tokyo by air./Tomorrow we will fly to Tokyo.
Mr Wang reached/got to/arrived at the railway station at six.
I spent ten yuan on the book./I paid ten yuan for the book./The book cost me ten yuan.
1.She got a letter from her pen friend last week.(2002甘肃省)
She ________ ________ her pen friend last week.
2.Linda likes music better than art.(2002呼和浩特市)
Linda _________ music _________ art.
3.They enjoyed themselves at the garden party.(2002广州市)
They _______ ______ _______ ________ at the garden party.
4.The Smiths teach themselves Chinese after work.(2002聊城市)
The Smiths ______ Chinese ______ themselves after work.
Keys: 1. heard----from 2. prefers--- to 3. had a great/good time 4. learn---by
I borrowed a computer from him./He lent a computer to me.
I think maths is harder than English.
I think English is easier than maths.
5.Chinese is more popular than Japanese.(2001宁夏)
Japanese is ________ popular than Chinese.
6.The runner fell behind the others though he did what he could.(2001济南市)
The runner ______ to ______ ________ with the others though he ______ his ______ .
Keys:5. less 6. failed---catch up --------- tried---best
Can I help you?/May I help you?/ What can I do for you?(我能帮你吗?)应要求学生充分掌握。
The artist spent two hours drawing a horse./It took the artist two hours to draw a horse.
Shall we go to the zoo?/Let's go to the zoo,shall we?
What's the weather like today?/How's the weather today?
7.Don't open the door, will you?(2002盐城市)
Will you please ______ the door ______ ?
8.How many people live in France?(2002厦门市)
______ ______ the population of France?
9.We spent twenty minutes cleaning the room yesterday.(2002哈尔滨市)
It ______ ______ twenty minutes ______ ______ the room yesterday.
Keys: 7.keep---closed 8.What is 9. took us----to clean
1.这个男孩多么善良啊!How kind the boy is!/What a kind boy he is!
2.这首乐曲多么优美啊!How beautiful the music is!/What beautiful music it is!
10.How beautiful the park is!(2000广州市)
______ ______ ______________ park it is!
Key: 10. What a beautiful
begin/start--be on; come--be here;leave--be away(from); buy--have;borrow--keep;
die--be dead;return--be back;marry--be married;fall asleep/go to sleep--be asleep;
open--be open(adj.);close--be closed(adj.);catch a cold--have a cold;fall ill--be ill;
join the League/Party--be in the League/Party(be a League/Party member);join the army
--be in the army/be a soldier;arrive in/at--be in/at;get up--be up,等等。
He bought a new bike last week.
He has had a new bike since last week.
Wang Tao joined the army six years ago.
Wang Tao has been a soldier for six years.
Wang Tao has been in the army for six years.
11.The film began 20 minutes ago.(2002盐城市)
The film has been ______ ______ 20 minutes.
12.Sam's grandfather died 10 years ago.(2002上海市)
Sam's grandfather has been ________ ______ 10 years.
13.My grandpa joined the Party thirty years ago.(2002福州市)
My grandpa ______ ______ ______ the Party for thirty years.
14.I got up half an hour ago.(2002哈尔滨市)
I ______ ______ up for half an hour.
Keys:11.on for 12.dead for 13. has been in 14. have been
1)hope /wish,be sure,tell 等后跟 that 引导的从句,可转换为不定式;
2)特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,也可转换为“特殊疑问词+to do”结构,构成不定式短语。so … that … 引导的
1)表示肯定的结果,可与“enough to”结构互换;
2)表示否定的结果,它既可以与“too … to …”结构互换,也可以改为“not+adj./adv.+enough to”。
(注:此时的形容词或副词应为上句的反义词。)注意:“so … that …”结构前后主语不一致时,应在 enough
或 too+adj.后面加 for sb.
I hope that I will visit the moon some day.
I hope to visit the moon some day.
He showed me how he used a computer.
He showed me how to use a computer.
The room is so large that it can hold 1,000 people.
The room is large enough to hold 1,000 people.
He is so young that he can't go to school.
He is too young to go to school.
He isn't old enough to go to school.
15.They can hardly decide what they will do next.(2000济南市)
______ ______ for them to decide what ______ ______ next.
16.The foreigners want to know how they can learn Chinese Kongfu well.(2002济南市)
The foreigners want to know ______ ______ learn Chinese Kongfu well.
17.He is too young to go to school.(2002上海徐汇区)
He isn't ______ ______ to go to school.
18.She was so weak that she couldn't take care of her baby.(2002辽宁省)
She was ______ weak ______ take care of her baby.
Keys:15.It’s hard ----to do 16.how to 17.old enough 18.too---to
【解题要领]英语中的介词短语,诸如 at the age of,without,instead of,with the help of,
thanks to,be in, be satisfied with 等,可与一些复合结构进行转换,这类结构主要是并列句
或两个句子,由连词 and, but, when 等连接。
1. 她八岁时就学习英语了。
She began to learn English when she was eight.
At the age of eight,she began to learn English.
We will go for a picnic tomorrow.We won't see a film.
We will go for a picnic instead of seeing a film tomorrow.
19.He began to learn how to use a computer when he was five years old.(2000广州市)
He began to learn how to use a computer ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .
20.The heavy traffic stopped them from getting to school in time.(2000成都市)
______ ______ the heavy traffic they ______ ______ for school.
Keys:19. at the age of five 20.Because of ----were late
1. 许多人讲英语。
Many people speak English./English is spoken by many people.
We should regularly water flowers.
Flowers should be watered regularly.
21.It is widely accepted that more people use computers in the world today.(2002辽宁省)
Computers ______ widely ______ in the world today.
22.We must keep the noise level under 50 dbs(分贝).(2002上海市)
The noise level must ______ ______ under 50 dbs.
Keys:21.are used 22. be kept
[解题要领]运用并列连词(组) both … and,neither … nor,either … or, not only … but also,
as well as 等,可将并列句或两个句子合并为一个简单句,而且要把握 neither … nor,either … or,
not only … but also 采取就近原则。
1. 你会讲法语。我也会讲法语。
You can speak French.I can speak French,too.
Both you and I can speak French.
She hasn't been to Japan.I haven't been to Japan,either.
Neither she nor I have been to Japan.
23.Wei Hua may be on the team,or Ann may.(2000辽宁省)
______ Wei Hua ______ Ann may be on the team.
24.Alice is a film star.Sarah is a film star,too.(2001新疆)
______ Alice ______ Sarah are film stars.
25.Lucy can't sing the English song Yesterday Once More.And Lily can't sing it,either.
_________ Lucy ______ Lily can sing the English song Yesterday Once More.
Keys:23.Either---or 24.Both---and 25. Neither---nor
【类型十】运用“so+动词+主语”和“neither/nor +动词+主语”结构进行改写。
1)动词指助动词、be 动词或情态动词;
4)表示否定时,neither/nor 本身具有否定意义,动词要用肯定形式。
1. 吉姆准时完成了这项工作。约翰也准时完成了这项工作。
Jim finished the work on time.John finished it on time,too.
Jim finished the work on time,so did John.
She didn't eat anything this morning.I didn't eat anything,either.
She didn't eat anything this morning,neither/nor did I.
26.Jim wants to go boating and his parents want to go boating,too.(2002广州市)
Jim wants to go boating,and ______ ______ his parents.
27.I like playing tennis. He likes playing tennis,too.(2002厦门市)
I like playing tennis,______ ______ he.
Keys:26. so do 27. so does

1. 当宾语从句表示陈述意义的时候(即为陈述句结构),引导词为 that;2.当宾语从句表示一般疑问意义的时候(即为一般疑问结构),引导词为if/ whether;3.当宾语从句表示特殊疑问意义的时候(即为特殊疑问结构),引导词为原来的特殊疑问词;二是变陈述句。无论是由哪一种引导词引导的宾语从句,宾语从句都应使用陈述语序;三是主从一致。它是针对主句是一般过去时,宾语从句应用相应的某种过去时态而言的,即一般现在时与一般过去时;现在进行时与过去进行时;一般将来时与过去将来时;现在完成时与过去成时一一对应。但是如果从句表示客观真理,从句时态不受主句时态的影响,用一般现在时即可。

I want to know.Will it rain tomorrow?
I want to know if /whether it will rain tomorrow.
He said.He has had a cold for three days.
He said that he had had a cold for three days.
28.Where does he live?I don't know.(2002哈尔滨市)
I don't know ________ _________ ________ .
29.Does the shop close at six every day?Do you know?(2002厦门市)
Do you know ________ the shop ________ at six every day?
30.Is the earth round?The little boy asked.(2002福州市)
The little boy asked ________ the earth ________ round.
Keys: 28.where he lives 29.if /whether,closes 30.if /whether,is
【解题要领】一些并列句或两个句子或简单句,根据其内涵,可运用某些连词变为含有状语从句的复合句。状语从句根据它表达的意思可分为时间、原因、条件、比较、目的、结果和让步等类,与此相对应的连词有:1)引导时间状语从句的有:after,as soon as,before,since, not...until,when,whenever,while等;2)引导原因状语从句的有:because,as,since等;3)引导条件状语从句的有:if,unless等;4)引导比较状语从句的有:as...as,not as(so)...as等;5)引导目的状语从句的有:so that,in order that等;6)引导结果状语从句的有:so...that等;7)引导让步状语从句的有:though,although等。学生在转换过程中,应运用恰当的引导词来表达。
Jack didn't come to school because he was ill.
Although it was dark,he still went on doing the housework.
Study hard,and you'll catch up with the other students.
If you study hard,you'll catch up with the other students.
31.The basket is too heavy for Miss Green to lift on to the truck.(2001荆州市)
The basket is ________ ________ ________ Miss Green ________ lift on to the truck.
32.Come on,or we'll miss the early bus.(2002辽宁省)
________ we ________ hurry,we'll miss the early bus.
33.When I get there,I'll go to see her at once.(2002福州市)
I'll go to see her ________ ________ ________ I get there.
34.I'll water the little plants to stop the soil(土壤) getting too dry.(2002内江市)
I'll water the little plants ________ ________ I ________ stop the soil ________ getting too dry.
35.After Bess finished her maths homework,she went to bed.(2002福州市)
Bess ________ go to bed ________ she finished her maths homework.
Keys: 31.so heavy that,can't 32.If,don't 33.as soon as 34.so that,can,from 35.didn't,until