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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 20:48:59
In the new situation, China and Africa shared the growing concern, in promoting the establishment of a just and rational international political and economic new order has a common of 利益 and objectives. 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆. China is the world's biggest developing country and Africa is the continent most developing countries. 我们愿同非洲国家一道努力,抓住历史机遇,深化全面合作,促进共同发展. We work with African countries to work together to seize the historic opportunity to deepen comprehensive cooperation, promote common development. 为此,我提出以下三点倡议. To this end, I propose the following three initiatives.
  第一,坚持传统友好,推动中非关系新发展. First, adhere to the traditional friendship, promote new development in Sino-African relations. 中非传统友谊是双方老一代领导人亲手培植的,其核心是真诚友好、平等相待、相互支持、密切合作. China-Africa traditional friendship between the two sides personally cultivated the old generation of leaders, the core of sincere friendship, equal treatment, mutual support and close cooperation. 加强同包括非洲国家在内的广大发展中国家的团结和合作,是中国对外政策的基本立足点. Strengthen cooperation with African countries, including developing countries, including the unity and cooperation is the basic standpoint of China's foreign policy. 在新形势下,中国政府将坚定不移地继承和发扬中非友好合作的传统,从中国人民和非洲人民的根本利益出发,加强同非洲各国的全方位合作,并不断开辟新途径,充实新内容. Under the new situation, the Chinese government will unswervingly carry forward the traditional Sino-African friendship and cooperation, the Chinese people and African people's fundamental interests, strengthen comprehensive cooperation with African countries, and constantly open up new ways to enrich the new content. 中非双方不仅要保持密切的高层互访,还要积极推动从官方到民间的多层次交往;不仅要加强经贸领域合作,还要努力拓展科技、文教、卫生、旅游、管理等多领域的合作. China and Africa not only to maintain close high-level visits, should also actively promote from the official to a private multi-level exchanges; not only to strengthen economic and trade cooperation, but also strive to expand science and technology, culture, education, health, tourism, management and many other fields . 凡是有利于非洲和平与发展、有利于中非友好合作、有利于维护广大发展中国家利益的事情,我们都愿意同兄弟的非洲国家一道去做. Which are beneficial to peace and development in Africa is conducive to China-Africa friendship and cooperation, and to safeguard interests of developing countries in the things that we are willing to work together with the brotherly African countries do.
  第二,坚持互助互利,促进中非共同繁荣. Second, insist on mutual benefit and promote common prosperity. 在力所能及的范围内向非洲国家提供不附加任何政治条件的援助,是中国对非政策的一项重要内容. In the African countries within its capacity without any political conditions to provide assistance is an important non-policy content. 随着中国经济实力的不断增强,我们还会继续增加对朋友的帮助. With China's growing economic strength, we will continue to increase the help of friends. 应该看到,中非经济有较强的互补性,非洲有丰富的自然和人力资源,中国有适用的技术和经验,双方都有广阔的市场,合作潜力巨大. Should be noted that African economies are highly complementary, Africa has abundant natural and human resources, China has applied technology and experience, both have a broad market, cooperation has great potential. 我们希望中非成为更为紧密的经贸合作伙伴. We hope to become closer China-Africa economic and trade partner. 中国将认真落实中非合作论坛后续行动,支持非洲联盟建设和“非洲发展新伙伴计划”的实施;切实履行对部分非洲国家商品免关税的承诺,增加对非洲产品的进口,同非洲国家共同探讨扩大贸易的新途径;本着形式多样、平等互利、以人为本的原则,积极参与造福民众的合作项目;为双方企业的投资和合作创造有利的环境,为中国企业到非洲兴业发展给予政策和资金支持. China will earnestly implement the follow-up of China-Africa Cooperation Forum, to support the African Union building and the "New Partnership for Africa's Development" implementation; earnestly fulfill some African countries tariff-free goods promised to increase the import of African products, together with African countries of new ways of expanding trade; the spirit of diversity, equality and mutual benefit, people-oriented principle, the benefit of the people actively involved in cooperation projects; for both business investment and cooperation for an enabling environment for Chinese enterprises to Africa, Industrial development policy and financial support to . 今后,中非经贸合作可以基础设施建设、农业发展、资源开发和人力资源能力建设等为优先领域,加大合作力度,实现双赢互利,促进共同发展. In the future, Sino-African trade and economic cooperation can be infrastructure, agricultural development, resource development and capacity building of human resources for the priority areas of cooperation to increase strength and achieve win-win and mutual benefit, promote common development.
  第三,坚持密切合作,维护发展中国家的权益. Third, continue to maintain close cooperation and safeguarding the interests of developing countries. 我们主张,国际决策机制应该民主、透明、公平和公正,国家不论大小、强弱、贫富,都一律平等,都有权参与国际事务并发挥作用. We advocate democracy in international decision-making mechanism should be transparent, fair and impartial, national or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal, and are entitled to participate in international affairs and play a role. 我们还主张,经济全球化应惠及各国人民,朝着有利于实现共同繁荣的方向发展. We also advocate that economic globalization should benefit all peoples, a direction that favors the direction of realizing common prosperity. 作为联合国安理会常任理事国,中国将继续支持包括非洲在内的广大发展中国家的合理主张和要求,促进发展中国家的团结和合作,增强共同应对挑战的能力. As a permanent member of UN Security Council, China will continue to support the developing countries including Africa, including the reasonable proposals and requests, to promote unity and cooperation in developing countries, to enhance joint deal with the challenges of Nengli. 中国支持非洲国家通过联合自强解决地区冲突、发展经济的努力,参与联合国在非洲的维和行动和促进经济社会发展的计划. China supports African countries to solve regional conflicts through joint self-reliance, economic development efforts, participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations in Africa and the promotion of economic and social development plans. 中国愿同非洲加强磋商和协调,维护联合国权威,推动安理会改革,增加发展中国家在安理会中的代表性. China is willing to strengthen consultations and coordination in Africa, safeguarding the UN authority, promoting the reform of the Council, to increase the representation of developing countries in the Council. 中国在推进南南合作的同时,还将积极推动南北对话、改善南北关系,尤其呼吁发达国家在加快技术转让、扩大市场准入、减少贸易壁垒、增加援助和投资、减免债务等方面作出更多承诺和行动,帮助南方国家发展经济、摆脱贫困. China to promote South-South cooperation while also actively promoting the North-South dialogue, South-North relations, in particular, calling on developed countries to speed up the transfer of technology, expand market access, reduce trade barriers, increased aid and investment, debt relief and so provide more commitment and action to help the countries of the South economic development out of poverty.