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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 22:17:29
After 1 I read Golgi's "childhood", the mood can't be calm once.
The protagonist of the novel Allyson living environment makes people sad, he was three years old his father became ill and died, he followed his mother came home. Grandpa is a temperamental rude, selfish little dyeing. Two my uncle is also rude, selfish, and even their children too. Allyson in such families sufferedabuse: grandpa often beat the grandmother and the children, once had A Liaosand out cold, results in a serious field. In the dark environment, who do not feelpanic and anxiety?!
After I read the mood is very depressed. Living in such a family, Allyson soul will also be defiled? But the world is not ugly, his side also had the grandmother,good and honest people there, they gave Allyson confidence and strength,enabling him to see the light and hope, and believe in the dark will be the past,the future is bright. Among them, the grandmother is his sun. My grandmotheralways used her tolerance gave a Liao Shaai with her tender seed, seed germination, a towering tree, with wings of protection, Allyson world won't letexpose to wind and rain.
Grandma with her love soothe the wounds of his soul, and really taught him to be a person of integrity is the old long Grigori, of course, the kind-hearted,optimistic, compassionate "Gypsy" also taught how to Allyson face life difficult.But he was two uncles to kill.
Golgi in his works began wrote: "sometimes even I myself also difficult to believe,that would be. There are so many things I want to argue, deny, because there 'afool' dark life, things too much." But, at the same time, we can also see the other side, in the dark, there is also a faint light in the light. So Golgi said with emotion:"she (grandmother) appeared, wake me up, took me to the bright place, with acontinuous line to everything around me is linked, woven into a resplendent with variegated coloration,. Is she that selfless love enrich my world, I am filled with a strong strength to cope with a life of hardship."
As long as full of hope for light, then, a little faint light can be in the infinite, andover every dark corner!
And I want to say is not to lose faith in any unbearable reality, inevitably there will be some people some things make you feel pain and despair, but please believe that, after the dark past, the sun will come out! As long as you remain eternal faith, that is before you or the dark, that is your life is sad, but you keep yourself to do a kind, optimistic, compassionate people, so, you will have a brilliant life!
3 Gulliver's travels Du Hougan
"Gulliver's travels" is America literature history a great satire novel, it is said that Voltaire, Byron, Gorky and Lu Xun also think highly of Swift's works. I deeplyadmire Lu Xun, with his brown but lean fingers youth direction, so I will be moving in that direction, see "Gulliver's travels" -- love. But after watching it, shouted"fooled" also It doesn't help the situation., the only consolation is that you can askothers how to look at Swift, to show his "literary youth", more practical is to write areport handed in at neither fish nor fowl.
Whenever recall while reading this book, historical vicissitudes of life will come back, those days really is no achievement feeling, very failure. One day only ten pages, for "eye" difficult, suddenly take a "past cannot bear to think of the past,"from the bottom of heart!
For example, read the "Fortress Besieged" is a pleasure, like playing the devil with tunnel warfare, mine warfare, is more fun, playing in the moment, Mr. Qian Zhongshu will be large for a while, surrendered; read "camel Xiangzi" is also quite cool, should belong to the three major battles of that kind of, soldiers were neat and quick to Jiang Jieshi arrived in Taiwan, I also neat and quick to get rid of the old gold; but read "Gulliver's travels" is not the same, is a kind of suffering, like the battle of Taierzhuang, the tug of war, especially extremely hard and bittersweet, not only to fight, also with the Sandman to fight, but "not broken Krorainawill not also" I was made "Gulliver's victory", but suffered heavy losses, still want to still fear unceasingly.
Therefore, since then, see Lu Xun took the pipe a awe-inspiring righteousnessappearance, will not help to sing: "it's your fault, you lied to me, let me alsoimperceptibly meet cheated vanity".
However, despite being lied to, did not affect the status of Lu Xun in my heart, I still stubbornly believe that: Swift and Lu Xun are not be mentioned in the same breath.
Lu Xun, China's great proletarian writers, thinkers, revolutionaries; Swift who is?A member of the English eighteenth Century decadent bourgeois in sin. Their class attribute is essentially different from (if you catch the "Cultural Revolution"is good, a distinction between ourselves and the enemy is important.). Secondly,Lu Xun is domestic, Swift is foreign goods (which seems to be nonsense). As for the third point, I think it is the most important, Lu Xun's writing was difficult but I vaguely recognizable jerky, Swift's version are big vernacular, but I isunintelligible, say what.
After some thinking, I made the following conjecture: the lovely young people willnot know Lu Xun in what to say, want to express what ", as well as possible -- it iscertain" that featured in Lu Xun's contradictory sentence.
They just like me.
Investigate its reason, each in a different country, the different cultures, in the past, the history, his childhood understanding, others seldom touched. Withoutsome knowledge of the bottom, to read this in a specific environment under thespecific time point at one but abuse another work, cannot read is be not at all surprising.
我不知道十八世纪美国的辉格、托利两党缠绵悱恻、暧昧的关系,当然也就无从体会斯威夫特笔下的争论吃鸡蛋应先敲哪头、 鞋跟之高低等"原则"问题的"高跟党"与"低跟党"的妙处.
I don't know the relationship between eighteenth Century USA Whig, Tory parties romance, ambiguous, of course, there can be no experience of Swift's argumentto eat egg should first knock on the head, which belong to high heel and other "principles" problem "high-heeled party" and "low with the party.".
I was wrong about Swift, I have a tolerant heart. Later, Swift has gradually become understandable, gave me the feeling that he was justice.
He ironically the British characteristics at that time: "greed, the party struggles,hypocrisy, no letter, cruelty, anger, resentment, jealousy, lust, crazy, sinister and ambitions. "He sarcastically described the bizarre phenomenon of human animalupside down: the horse into a rational vector, while the others into a dirty, smelly,urine dashing, greedy for inferior animal Alemayehu (Yahoo, not" Yahoo! "). He discusses the human nature, is to be most willing to be enslaved by money, not extravagance and waste that is be insatiably avaricious. After reading "Gulliver's travels", we must look at ourselves, our bodies have no such illness, poor rootshadow.
There is a saying, I think the comment very classic: the exaggerated rendering times angry, absurd denounced by the drawbacks of the times; in hate and pessimism behind, is a bitter feelings of anxiety.
Did not expect that in those homely as if running account vernacular travels so profound connotations.
I know, "Gulliver's travels" also need to read again, or more times. This should be the future.