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It ______we had stayed together for a couple of weeks ______

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 11:41:56
It ______we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _______I found we had a lot in common.
was until,when B.was until,that
C.wasn’t until,when D.wasn’t until,that
这道题为什么是A,为什么是when,不是强调句吗?was until和wasn’t until的区别?
It ______ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks   ______ I found we had a lot in common.(2007浙江)
.A.was until ;when     B.was until; that C.wasn't until;when     D.wasn't until;that  
He didn't go to bed until 12 o'clock last night.  (not until 句型)
Not until 12 o'clock that he went to bed last night.  (倒装句)
It was not until 12 o'clock that  he went to bed last night.( 强调句)
如:--Where did you meet Yaoming?
        -- It was in the hotel 【where】 my father worked ten years ago.
  如果单独看第二句,是一个常见的错误的强调句(我们提醒学生,强调句,不论强调的是主语、宾语还是状语,也不能主语、宾语指的是人还是事物,一律可用it is/was ...that.,我们强调,如果强调的是状语时,一定不要用where 和when,后面三个二级同学注意了!).这个where改成that才是一个标准正确的强调句:
It was in the hotel 【that】 my father worked ten years ago.
:--Where did you met Yaoming?   你在哪里巧遇姚明的?
   -- It was in the hotel 【where】 my father worked ten years ago that I met Yaoming.
如果不强调,也不省略,直接回答:I met him in the hotel 【where】 my father worked ten years ago.
如果省略则为:In the hotel 【where】 my father worked ten years ago.
再问: was until和wasn't until的区别?
再答: 这也是not... until 句型的强调状语时应注意的问题。 sb. didn't do A until B happened. 之强调时间状语不是: it was until B happened that sb. didn't do A. 而是 it was not until B happened that sb. did A. 为什么是这样?没想过。所以我让学生记三个句型。 如是肯定句,则照常如: Tom stayed up until his father came back at 12 o'clock last night. 强调状语:it was until his father came back at 12 o'clock that Tom stayed up last night. 这时,until从句前的主句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词。如果你问,为什么不能选B,则告诉你,find非延续性动词。
再问: 就是说前者跟沿续性,后者跟非沿续性?
再答: 答:是延续性动词。 看来你对until/till的用法不熟悉: 这个连词(介词)引出一个时间点,表示某个延续性的动作或状态一直存在直到这个时间点为止。如:He worked/stayed up till/until 12 o'clock last night. 工作或熬夜是可以延续下去的,一直延续到深夜为止。 而go to bed是一个短暂的动作,不可以延续很长一段时间。所以说: He went to bed till/until 12 o'clock last night.是错误的。 但是didn't go to bed不上床睡觉,不是个动作,而是一种状态,这种状态是可以延续的。所以说:非延续性动词的否定式可以和until/till连用: He didn't go to bed until 12 o'clock last night. 本题句中作为强调句的原句,B选项是错误的: 误:I found we had a lot in common until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks.