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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 13:22:05
wear school uniforms: disagree:30. agree:20. surf the Internet: disagree:10. agree:40 study in groups: disagree:15. agree:35

短文开头:We did a survey about three activities in our school.Here are the results.Among fifty students in my class,20 of them agree that students should wear school uniforms,while.
We did a survey about three activities in our school.Here are the results.
Among fifty students are in my class,20 of them agree that students should wear uniforms,while the others do not think that it is important to wear the uniforms in the school. I thought wearing uniforms are essential. In my opnion, as a student in the school, wearing uniform is a signal which stands for society identity .but also, the common dress could have the visitors make a good impressive to the school.
Then.about surfing the internet, 20 pencentage of students disagree, However, 80 pencentage of students agree strongly to surf the internet using computers. I see surfing the internet should be considered in the school. In the 21st century, network is a significant tool in the everyone's life. It is good for student to learn how to search information and use E-mail in the internet.
Thirdly, student also have different ideas about studying in groups. 35 of them agree while the other students do not,.studying in group is a excellent plan,I thought. studying together is positive affect for people. classmates could learn the knowledge they do not know from other people,improving their drawback of study, In the other hand, a better relationship would be in the group.
In the end, the three activities are all good for students, They are worth carring out,
英语作文:下列图表显示了你班所有学生(共50人)对三项在校活动的看法.请写一篇短文叙述该调查结果,然 请以My Subjects为题写一篇短文,叙述一下你对自己所学科目的看法的英语作文 “假如你是李明,老师要求你写一篇短文,谈谈你对学生玩电子游戏的看法”写英语作文 英语作文,假如你想知道你的同学对未来职业的设想,并对他们做了一个调查请根据内容提示,按要求写一篇短文,将调查结果和你的想 英语作文!具体是要你对在校学生的兴趣爱好的调查结果来写一篇100字左右的短文. 假如你是艾伦,在一次英语角活动中,你询问了几个同学对于时尚的看法.请根据下列提示,写一篇英语作文 你校正在开展“共建和谐校园”活动,你们班就“学生该做什么,不该做什么”进行了热烈的讨论,请根据讨论内容写一篇英语短文。 英语作文= =你校开张了一次学生读报情况调查.请根据一下调查结果写一篇报告.1 全校40%左右的学生有每天读报的习惯,5 请写一篇短文,描述一次你在老人院做志愿活动的情形,并对志愿者活动发表你的看法(初三英语)(80个词以上 请写一篇短文给某英语报社,谈谈你对狗仔队现象的看法 在最近学校组织的一次社会实践活动中,你班同学参加了进行了关于一项青少年课余活动情况的调查,调查结果如下。请用英语写一篇短 最近你校就学生英语阅读情况做了一次调查结果不令人满意,就以上内容写一篇100词左右的英语作文