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school life in the USA

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:03:22
school life in the USA
Enjoy your time and learn something from it”,those were the last words from my mom when the moment to say good bye to my family had finally come.I knew my next step into the airplane would also be a step into a time full of challenges,and I wasn’t sure what to expect.A last smile from my sister,a hug from my dad,and then I was by myself and on my way into a new chapter of my life.I will always remember this moment,but now that my stay in the United States is over and I’m back in Germany,I know that there is so much more to remember.It was definitely an experience for me and I don’t regret it at all.I stayed in the East of the United States in Pennsylvania,near Harrisburg.The High School I went to was,compared to other American High Schools,very small,with about 700 students.
Every morning we had to stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance,a symbol of th national pride.We had to turn our face to the flag and put the right hand to our heart.On my first morning in school,I wasn’t prepared to do this at all,and I was glad nobody saw that I put the wrong hand to my heart - but I got used to it quickly.Actually,you will get used to every challenge,because after a while,unfamiliar situations simply turn into things of your every day life.
The classes I attended during school were American History,Math,English,French,Chemistry,Gym,Art and Yearbook.I remember how I called my dad after my first school day,because I was unable to do the math homework assignments.They were just too hard for me!At this moment I would have never guessed that,a couple months later,I would leave the class with an A.School really became fun for me.One thing about American High Schools is that school spirit and motivation are really important.For example,there were hat days,and on Valentines Day students and teachers wore red or pink shirts.Once I was elected to “student of the month”,and I got invited to have pizza with our principal.Regular meetings in the gym to present the sport teams and hear the school band were part of the school year,as well as Friday nights football games.Students,teachers,parents,cheerleaders and friends were united and dressed in our school colors,orange and black,to shout for our team.Even if we lost all games of the season,the spirit and the fun were what counted.
The selection of after-school activities was enormous.You could join the math club,the west side singers,the swimming team,play tennis,baseball or basketball,wrestle,or be a part of the school newspaper staff.I was involved in the track and field team and had a wonderful time.During the spring months we had to practice every day after school and competed against other schools.It wasn’t just about winning; important was the feeling of doing something together with other teenagers.The best way to meet new friends and get accepted is to try something new and gain different and challenging experiences.Don’t wait for people to come and say:“Hey,do you want to come along?” Go ahead instead of being shy!
I also took part in the school musical.I didn’t have any singing or dancing experience up to this point,but I just had to do it!It was the best thing I could have ever done and many memories are connected to it.Our musical was called “Zombie Prom” It was hard work to remember the dance steps and song lines,but I met new people and made wonderful friends.We had three performances in the school assembly hall,and my host family and friends came to watch.Afterwards,we had a party with all the cast members.I still watch the video and listen to the CD all the time:
“Here’s to us – here’s to us.
Here’s to all we have in store.
Here’s to you – here’s to me,
You’ve made my life worth living for.