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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:36:29
生态批评是产生于20世纪70年代的一种文学批评理论.在70年代初出版的《生存的戏剧:文学生态学研究》一书中,美国学者约瑟夫·密克尔提出“文学生态学”(literary ecology)这一术语,主张应当探讨文学所揭示的人类与其他物种之间的关系,要细致并真诚地审视和发掘文学对人类行为和自然环境的影响.1978年,威廉·鲁克尔特在《爱荷华州评论》第9期上发表题为《文学与生态学:一次生态批评的试验》的文章,首次使用了“生态批评”(ecocriticiam)这一概念,认为应该把生态以及和生态有关的概念运用到文学研究中去.此后.生态批评迅速发展,并引起了学术界广泛关注.到90年代,生态批评逐步成为了文学批评理论中的显学.
Ecological criticism is produced in the nineteen seventies a theory of literary criticism. In the early 70's publication of the" survival Drama : literary ecology" in one book, American scholar Joseph Smith, Kerr puts forward " literary ecology" ( Literary Ecology ) is a term, advocates should explore the literature revealed by human and other relationships between species, should be careful and sincerely look and explore the literature on human behavior and the influence of the natural environment. In 1978, William Lu Keer in" Iowa review" Ninth issue entitled" literature and Ecology: an experimental" article, first used the " ecological criticism" ( ecocriticiam ) of this concept, consider ecology and ecological concepts relevant to use literature research in. Thereafter. The rapid development of ecological criticism, and aroused the extensive attention. To 90 time, ecological criticism has gradually become a theory of literary criticism theory.At present, the academic concept of ecological criticism which is widely used in American literature and the environment of Professor Cherry 's glotfelty under the definition of ecological criticism," is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment, ... ... According to the center of the earth for staff to study literature". The former can be regarded as the object of ecological criticism, literature and the physical environment ( NATURAL ) relationship as the object of study; the latter is intended to illustrate the research method," take the earth as the center to study literature" can be understood as the station in the earth's ecological standpoint to study literature, discussing the relation between man and nature, creation more ecological literature, arouse people to protect the ecological environment consciousness, so as to construct a more reasonable ecological philosophy.Ecological criticism in post modern context, belongs to the modern criticism and theory, by the deconstruction thought influence, it challenges, expose, criticizing the" logos centralism", digestion, subversion of the traditional. Ecological criticism against the" logos centralism" performance "of anthropocentrism". "The human center principle" is the mainstream western philosophy since the modern cultural values," Modernity" is one of the important features of. It is with person and nature of the binary opposition between the two as the premise, claims that man is the master of nature, the center of the world, has the supreme right; nature is human rule, control object, nature as" others" no" intrinsic value". " Talent is everything of value subject, is the creator of all values and commitment". This is an absolute" Anthropocentrism" values, it will be in the world extremely elevated position, emphasize the subjectivity of man, serious and screwy person and natural ecological relationship between reasonable. Such values in human productivity level is not high, the human activities are not sufficient to constitute a great threat to natural history has played a positive role, promoting the progress of human civilization. Then, latter-day since the Renaissance, there has been Bacon's" command nature", Descartes " to become the master of nature and the ruler" and Kant's" human is the nature of the lawmakers" and so on" doctrine of human center" the outstanding expression of thought, it also shows that the modern" Anthropocentrism" thought formation.