作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 19:43:46
不用逐字翻译 大致意思对 就行 不要用生僻词
回答问题的一个用的是 google 一个是 YAHOO在线翻译
我不要 电脑翻译的 如果那个能用我自己就用了!
There is a migrant farmer and sell goat and donkey.The Department of goat neck of a small bell.
Three thieves saw.
A thief said:"I stole the sheep,told the farmer can not be found."
The other thief said:"I am a farmer from the hands of the stolen donkey."
The third thief,said:"This will not be difficult,I can farmer who all the stolen clothes."
The first thief quietly approached the goat,the solution bell down,tied to the tail on the donkey.Then,led by a sheep.Bend at the farmer looked around and found that goats are gone,they began to look for.
At this time,the second thief walked in front of a farmer,asked what he was looking for.The farmer said he lost a goat.The thief said:"I see you in a goat.Just now,there is a person holding a goat to the woods around this,and now he can seize." Farmer thief begged him to help lead donkeys,goats from their ex - .In this way,the second thief took the opportunity to led by a donkey.
The farmer came back from the woods,the donkey is also missing.On the side of the road while going to cry.Walked,he saw a man sitting side of the pond,also crying.The farmer asked him what had happened.
The man said:"I have a bag of gold fell into the water." Farmer asked him,why not go to the pockets of women's collections.The man said:"I am afraid of water,because I can not swim.Who should pocket the gold for women's collections.I send him 20 gold."
Farmers rejoicing,thinking:"It is precisely because of someone else stole my goat and donkey,only God has given me happiness." As a result,he took off his clothes,diving into the water.However,in any case he could not find that pocket of gold.When he climbed up to the water,they found clothes missing.In this way,the third thief his clothes are stolen.
This is the success of life on the road of the three major pitfalls:the effect,credulity and greed.
英语翻译故事是有个农夫进城,卖驴和山羊.山羊的脖子上系着一个小铃铛.三个小偷看见了.一个小偷说:“我去偷羊,叫农夫发现不 将笑话译成文言文一个农夫进城卖驴和羊。羊的脖子上系着一个小铃铛。三个小偷看见了,一个小偷说:“我去偷羊,叫农夫发现不了” 写小偷故事故事情节大概这样:白天,一个小偷在超市偷东西,被Bob 和 Tim看见了,他们跟踪小偷,到车站,小偷在看报纸, 用英语介绍个小故事故事情节:Tom和Ben去超市看见一个小偷在偷奶.之后小偷去车站等车.告诉了警察.警察抓住了小偷~ 狼和羊 猫和鸡 揭露了 ( ).农夫和蛇的故事告诫人们( ) 狐狸与山羊警示人们( )乌龟和老鹰说明( ) 警察追小偷,小偷死一个小偷,被警察追,情急之下,小偷跳进河中,当然,前面是有路的,估计是小偷跑得慢,急了.小偷不会水,当 英语作文《昨天我看见一个小偷》 一个小偷被警察发现,警察就追赶小偷,小偷没命地逃跑.跑着着跑着,前面出现了一条河,这河宽12米,在小偷和警察的河这边有颗 警察发现在前方60米处有一个小偷,开始追捕小偷.此时小偷也发现了警察,向前逃跑.当警察追到小偷开始时的位置时,小偷已离开 《农夫和蛇》的故事告诫人们一个什么道理 求一个哲理小故事两个警察看见一个人正在楼上爬窗户.其中一个以为那人是小偷正要喊.另一个阻止了他,然后给他讲了一个故事.说 英语翻译这些警察们企图抓住小偷,但是由于天太黑,小偷们早已逃跑了.(过去时)我昨天在大街上看见一辆卡车撞了一个骑车的老头